Chapter Twenty

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(Eva's Pov)

Since the Alpha's death, the pack has been in complete disarray. Not only could they not find her body, but if there was even a chance Y/N was really alive... to have an Alpha abandon their pack is beyond treasonous. It was a death wish.

When news of Y/N's disappearance reached the ears of the pack, whispers arose from long ago. Without a pack, what can Alpha's do? They're raised to fight, defend, care, and lead those supporting them. Without a pack... they were lost in their way. A wolf cannot survive among humans. They can last, as the betas who venture into cities do, but an Alpha? They are meant to lead werewolves. Without their own kind... the horror stories never end.

Eva didn't know this when she let Y/N go. She thought it'd be okay.

Let alone for Fergus to call for a hunt on Y/N. Dead or alive. Eva had a feeling he included the 'alive' only for the sake of her mother, who still held some influence in the pack. She was the mother of an Alpha, and an Omega before that. 

The news of the entire 'false prediction' fiasco never left the lips of gossips, especially since the predictions had been so wrong. Mistaking an Alpha for an Omega? It should have been unheard of. There were safeties in place to prevent such a thing. It baffled the elders, the townsfolk, and anyone who's ever known Y/N. 

But when a Beta- temporary Alpha or not- calls for war on a true Alpha, few step up for service. It was a greater dishonor to fight against an Alpha than to disagree with one's pack. Those who agreed in the pack were close to Daniel, and those outside were mercenaries. The thought that a werewolf would hire another to hunt down their own kind disgusted Eva, but it wasn't for her to decide. Despite whatever spin Fergus put on his actions, the pack knew this was wrong. It was wrong to hunt another werewolf. It was wrong to try and kill an Alpha.

It was wrong to torture a child. To torture anybody.

Eva worked to bring proof of Y/N's words to light, with help from friends and even Y/N's older siblings. Eva knew them through the hunting parties, and called upon them for assistance. Most had found their mates in other packs by now, and with every marriage the alliances strengthened.

Eva called upon them because an Alpha doesn't abandon her pack without a reason. Not if she knew the consequences. Yet even if she didn't, for an Alpha to walk away from ruling is unheard of.

But even when the evidence was brought before him, Fergus claimed the silver tipped whips and other various weapons were for defense against enemy packs. Y/N was trained just as the hunters were, with Daniel and his goons as witnesses.

Liars. Someone was lying, and Eva wouldn't dare doubt her best friend.

"Sir! There is someone approaching!" Ever since Fergus denied the evidence, Eva made sure to keep constant tabs on him. He wasn't going to get away with anything like that again.

"Send the humans on their way." He sighed, waving his hand to shoo off the guards. Since Y/N never became the pack's Alpha, Fergus remained in his role. Daniel didn't seem to care, content with spending his days in leisure.

"She..." he gulped, "She's a werewolf, sir."

She? Werewolf? For a split second, Eva thought Y/N might have returned. It would be a blessing to see her again, but coming back to the pack now would be her death. She's smarter than that, surely.

Fergus seemed to follow Eva's train of thought. As he motioned for the guard to continue. "A beta. A... rogue beta, sir."

"Bring her forth."

Within seconds a woman was brought before the placebo Alpha, the lookouts at the entrance of their camp escorting her. "What brings you here, rogue?" Fergus barked, as Eva listened in. Most onlookers following suit.

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