Chapter Seven

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(Your Pov)

When the Avengers' shouting wouldn't quiet, you decided you had had enough. If you could hear them through three floors of concrete. Whether or not if you had enhanced hearing, that much volume was simply too loud. You marched downstairs, spotting all of them arguing in the living room.

"What is everyone yelling about?" You ask, as your question remains unanswered. Granted, a wall covered about half of their faces, as you moved to step around it. Frustrated they were ignoring you. "Hey!"

Perhaps you had laced a touch of authority with your voice, just enough to make them hear you. "Why are you guys being so freaking-" You finished stepping around the divider, looking about at eight faces. Though your eyes caught on the deep pools of only one, his emerald green eyes staring back at you. "-loud." The rest of the sentence dies out on your lips, as a strange feeling overtakes your mind and body. A feeling as if you were shifting forms, the magic appearing to buzz at your fingertips.

He was tall for a mate. You never guessed out of all the places on Earth, over all the time you had to live, you'd meet him here. But those eyes... you couldn't mistake the green as any but your own. Especially when a color slowly flashed over his, the same color as your own. The color laced with a deep magic, one you knew should not be left to brew alone.

But what could you do? To be in front of all the Avengers when you reveal your wolf form, and the soulmate customs, and your magic, and everything else that accompanies finding one's mate?

You couldn't do that. Not right now. Not when it seemed this is the exact person who the Avengers were arguing over. Yet, your mind found it difficult to focus on anyone or anything else, preferring the raven haired man across the room. Muzzled and in chains, oddly enough.

Rare is the time when two found soulmates are not bonded in the moment. Daily life, special events, even wars between the packs are stopped in respect for the love shared between two souls made so perfect for one another. The rituals and ceremonies held... they're all for reasons to help the couple grow. So that they no longer have to face the world alone.

"Y/N, this isn't a conversation for you." Natasha's voice shook you from your thoughts, as the ingrained effects started taking place. A forced shift into wolf form.

Sparing one last glance toward your mate, you quickly pull your hood over your head, racing back. Just as you feel stubs of wolf ears emerge, your nose becoming longer, your nails and teeth sharper. Let alone a tail coming out your ass.

You barely reach your room in time, locking the door and throwing off your clothes to spare them from being ripped.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit- Why did this have to happen now? Just days after the Avengers started trusting you, an eternity before they should know you even have a wolf form. And now you were stuck as one until you somehow found the courage to sleep it off. Well, technically to enter the deepest state of relaxation you can- the simplest solution being sleep.

You whine quietly, pacing around your bed. The moment you stopped forcefully distracting your mind, his face came rushing back at you. The way his hair laid so messily yet so perfect, the way his smile creased the sides of his eyes, his smell- You could still smell the refreshing winter that surrounded him. Even now-

"-and don't try anything." a voice outside your door said, surprising you. The fact the thought of your mate could distract you so much you missed the sound of their footsteps?

This might be a problem.

"I don't see why he must be in this wing of the tower-" the newest blond said, captor of your beloved.

"Because it's the only place there's room." Tony spoke up, "And frankly, I would sleep better if there isn't a murderer living across the hall from me." You could hear three sets of footsteps, one of which held that winter scent you simply couldn't get enough of. Minty, fresh, and yet comforting as well. Accented with linings of earthy tea and old books. And yet at the same time- especially now, in wolf form- you knew this scent belonged to your mate. There was no denying it. You could smell the soulbond magic linking the two of you.

A door opened, chains were unlocked, and two sets of footsteps left back down the hallway. Neither having that scent float along with them.

So your mate was living across the hall from you. The mate that forced you to change forms whenever you saw him.

This is bad. Amazingly, wonderfully, terrifically horrible. You found your soulmate against all odds, and now you couldn't go near him in fear of shifting.

How would he even react? He didn't necessarily smell human, and yet he didn't look much different than one either. Perhaps a bit taller, more regal. The Alpha within you wanted to call him a part of your pack- despite you knowing you couldn't. Not yet. You knew nothing about him. Not even his name.

In the time that passed, minutes felt like seconds, yet seconds felt like hours. Every fleeting moment away from him tore a larger and larger hole in your chest, the absence from an uncompleted bond causing this. And it would, until you spent the night together. Simply the action of lying side by side for hours on end that completed it. Of course there were the wolves who preferred it sexually- though in recent times more and more soulmates preferred to simply sleep. Saving the more intimate moments for after they knew their mate.

Of which, you prefered and would have no other way than the latter. Not until you knew him better.

But the human world was a complicated one, and doing such a thing- whether or not your instincts said otherwise- would not be acceptable. Even if only for sleep and the wellbeing of each soulmate.

Soulmate. You found your soulmate. You could only help the giddy feeling that rose in your chest, as it warmed your heart that he was finally here. Just across the hall.

You fell asleep, trying to decipher the best option. The words he heard you say echoing about your mind in mutated forms.

Why is love so loud?

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