Chapter Eighteen

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(Your Pov)

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Tony waltzed into the training room, just seconds before your evaluation started. The rest of the team had arrived plenty early, already having you run through some basic drills. Like how many times can you run laps without becoming tired. The answer? A lot. Wolves are known for their stamina, and as someone who went through the pack's twisted form of Alpha training? A lot didn't even begin to cover it.

Not that you told them. Not really. You confessed that you had gone through considerable training, but had never really tested the full extent of your skills. You couldn't be too careful around humans.

"About time you showed up." Natasha sighed, before turning to you. Stark was the last person they were waiting on. "Are you ready, Y/N?"

You nod, double checking that you really were in control right now. Since the full moon had come and gone, there shouldn't be any real problems. But one can't be too safe when battling Captain America.

"Steve?" Natasha looked to the other fighter, as he nodded as well. The team watched in a mix of excitement and caution, careful just in case you snapped.

But you've sparred a thousand times over. This was easy. An exciting matchup, perhaps, but nothing that you haven't done before.


For a couple seconds the two of you circled the other, waiting for an opportunity. You were planning the best way to go about this, whether by brute force or a more graceful means. Steve was quite the large enemy, but you didn't doubt your ability to pick him up and haul his ass out of the ring. You'd done it with wolves larger than him, and even Russel when he and the others betrayed you.

Fuck you, Russel.

But this was an evaluation. The team wanted to know what you know. So, you decide on both.

Steve threw the first punch, which you easily block and counter. He avoided your attack, and threw a kick. Your match up continued on like this until it felt like you were moving at the speed of light. Punch, block, kick, dodge. Aim to disable. Don't let your teeth show. No claws. Anticipate his move without letting it be known. And then, once you felt as though you've shown enough of your technical skill, you decided it was best to end with a bang.

Rogers punched for your head, and you moved out of the way on his inner side. Before he could even think about counteracting your movements, you grabbed his arm, stepped inward to block his leg, twisted your body and flipped Captain America's ass into the air. He landed roughly on his back.

"Woah!" The crowd shouted in an uproar, as you looked down on Steve.

"You good?" You ask tauntingly, offering a hand. He took it and stood to his feet.

"I didn't know she was that strong." Clint muttered to Thor, who was looking on impressed. The whole team was, in fact. Even Loki- though it seemed he was also experiencing an emotion you couldn't quite place. But it wasn't something bad, and you allowed your attention to be drawn from your mate at Tony's words.

"Can you bench press Thor?"

"What?" You and Thor both turn on the billionaire, sending him a bewildered look. You've learned a considerable amount from your time in the modern world, but what the hell was bench pressing? And why would Tony ever want you to do it to Thor? You already had a mate- not that Tony knew that.

Natasha saved the conversation. "He wants you to pick him up."

"Oh." Well, that wasn't so bad. Definitely not the worst thing that could've come from Tony Stark, at least. You glance at Thor, catching the eye of your mate along the way. He almost looked... jealous? "If you don't mind."

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