Chapter Ten

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(Your Pov)

After fighting to stay awake through the night, it seemed exhaustion had other plans.

"Darling?" A voice nudged your shoulder, belonging to whomever you were cuddled up next to. His voice is comforting, luring you to sleep more than arousing you from your slumber. "Please wake up, Y/N. This is quite awkward."

At his words you manage to tear your eyes open, slowly coming to realise who you were with.

Loki. Cuddled tightly around his side, a blanket the only protection you had from being completely naked.

"Shit. Sorry." You curse, prying yourself away from him, pulling the blanket close around you. "I guess I forgot to tell you that part."

Loki chuckled nervously, keeping his eyes focused in any other direction, quickly standing once you had released him. Your clothes appearing in his place. "And that wolves are quite insistent cuddlers."

You should have known you overstepped. Humans are finicky when it comes to physical contact. Cuddling a man you just met most likely fell into the 'too awkward' category.

When you don't respond, however, Loki restates. "I meant that as a compliment, love. I enjoy your company."

You slipped on your clothes, this shift the exact reason you wore them. Thanking him lightly for the compliment. Before standing as well, leaving the blanket folded on the couch. "It's safe now." You joke, already on your way to the door. Sure he was quite finished with your presence.

"Running just like that?" Loki asked, by your side in an instant. Opening the door if you really did want to leave.

A laugh broke its way out of you. "A werewolf needs to eat. Especially after finishing a bond like that." You take his hand, the thoughts which slipped between you two last time restrained by the bond. Giving you an option to activate it, instead of simply transferring thoughts unwillingly. "And I'm sure you do too."


"About time you showed up." Natasha said as you and Loki appeared in the kitchen. "Just can't decide when to wake up, can you?"

You dismiss her comment with a laugh, ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks. No, you couldn't decide to wake up on your own, apparently. Loki had proved that. "You have no idea."

"So what is with you two? One day you can't stop staring or avoiding each other, and suddenly you're best friends." Tony snarked, actually managing to wake up earlier than you two. How late had you slept in?

You shrug off Tony's comment, not bothering to answer. Until you hear Loki's scoff, a feeling awakening within you. An Alpha's feeling to protect their pack.

In an instant you've turned on your heel, facing down the Avengers. Well, those here, anyway. "You know what? Yes, Loki and I are friends now. That has absolutely nothing to do with you, nor should you be saying anything derogatory on the matter. Just be glad the matter is resolved." The words burst from your mouth, angry Alpha waves spreading around the room in a matter of seconds. Dominant, aggressive, challenging energy. One that screamed 'touch what is mine, and you die.'

Those that had not been in the conversation backed down immediately, choosing wisely to stay out of it. Natasha seemed to fight for a moment, only for the sake of being dominated. Before giving up with a shrug, realising fighting over a stupid tease was just that.

Tony, however, decided to be an asshole. "So defensive. What, are we not allowed to notice your friendship?" He laced an implication in with the word, as if you were so much more than that.

Which, by werewolf standards you were. Though by human... you weren't anything more than friends yet.

You had to restrain yourself from growling. That would be a terrible thing to do right now. But before you could snap a reply, Loki stepped in on your behalf.

A terrible decision, really. Getting in a fight between two Alphas. Tony may not have been a werewolf, but his personality was definitely a dominant one.

"Do shut up, Stark." Loki snapped, standing ground with you. Effectively causing the Tin Can to turn away annoyed, postponing what could have escalated to a brawl. Of words and insults, anyway. Humans were strange how they claimed dominance.

With Stark taken care of, Loki turned his attention to you, despite seeming to just look annoyed. The back of his hand rested against your own, the contact allowing a telepathic communication.

"I assume that is the Alpha within you?" Loki asked, as you took up this thought train as well.

"Unfortunately. I just don't understand why he wouldn't back down." It would have been so much simpler if Tony just accepted you as Alpha. If only over one stupid comment.

"It's what he does." Loki paused for a moment, "Are you alright? You seemed rather agitated."

You were, weren't you? The answer appeared before you could even filter it. "He frustrates you. I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

Loki struggled to mask his face of surprise, finally understanding what having a werewolf mate really meant. Let alone an Alpha, who would do anything to protect the pack.

And... your face mirrored this expression. You weren't used to the instincts to protect anyone this fiercely, especially to react in such a way to a mere scoff. You blamed the new soulbond, the instincts heightened simply because you weren't used to them yet.

"Ah, brother! There you are." Thor's voice interrupted, setting a hand on Loki's shoulder. Shifting his hand away from yours, breaking the connection. "Finally left your room, I see."

What is the problem with sleeping in every once in a while? Why does everyone care so much? You glance across the room at the clock, finding an 11 hour staring back at you. Very nearly noon, at that.

Well, that would be why.

You sigh, heading into the kitchen to hunt down some food. Deciding on pop tarts, you grab two for yourself, before reaching to grab another subconsciously. Loki and Thor bicker about some sibling rivalry, blindly accepting the gesture when you hand the extra package to Loki.

That doesn't stop him from calling out a few minutes later, long after your couple settled on the couches. "Who stole my pop tarts?"

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