Calling angels

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A Dean Winchester one-shot! I hope you enjoy

As an angel, your job is to protect humanity. Yet, when it came to the Winchesters, humanity can wait, especially Dean Winchester. Anything can wait where Dean Winchester is involved. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way. Nevertheless, you trudge on, kicking ass and taking names.

One fine day, you are in heaven. You're supposed to be looking for a runaway angel when you hear your name. You zap to the source, and it's no other than the Winchester's bunker. "(Y/n)!" you hear again. You follow the sound to the kitchen. Dean turns around to see you. "Did you move the peanut butter?"

You sigh. It's a sigh that only Winchesters cause. "I am on very important business, Dean."

He laughs and you melt a little inside. "You always come when I call." That is not true. There was that one time...oh.

"Nevermind, I did not hide your peanut butter. I don't even eat." He brushes you off. Seeing that the conversation is done, you vanish to continue your search.


You finally catch the angel. He begged you to not be taken back, but this is war. War is not a time for mercy.

The Winchesters haven't called for you in a while. Dean hasn't called for stupid questions. Sam hasn't asked you to help with research or help kill something. Must you go check on them?

They are awfully stupid and need someone to check up on them. For days you without any contact from them. Those days make you scared. They could've died. No, you'd know.

You decide to pop into the bunker. Hopeful that they will be there and you can take ease. "Dean? Sam?" Silence is your only answer. Panic wells up in your stomach. You search the whole safehouse, yet neither brother is in sight.

Then, you hear it. Your name. It sounds urgent. Most likely a need for help on a hunt. Most likely Dean.

You flash to the source and Dean lays there. He's bloody and broken. Above him stands an angel. The runaway. "Leave him alone," you spit through gritted teeth. The angel turns around to give you a sickening grin. He charges at you, but he misses. Using your angel powers, you fling him to the side. "Dean!" you yell as you run to the man. "Where's Sam? Is everything okay?"

With one touch you heal his wounds. Now every cut and broken bone is better. At first he looks relieved, then, terror clouds his face. You feel it. A sting in your side. The angel stabbed you. Dean jumps up, grabs the angel blade that you carry, and stabs the angel. Light fills the room.

"(Y/n), are you okay? This is a minor wound. You'll be okay, right?" Dean inquires. You don't answer, this will kill you. Just slowly. You not answering lets him know. Tears well up in his green eyes. He pulls you closer. "Out of the millions of times I called you, and you came, I never thought it could kill you." He hugs you closer. "You should've not picked up."

You laugh. A feeble laugh. "I always come when Dean Winchester calls."

With those words, he breaks. "But, I-I love you, (y/n)."

Your hand goes up to his face and runs down his jaw line. "And I love you as well. Even if you are an ass."

He smiles and it's painful. He squeezes tighter and feel yourself slip away. What he sees is your lifeless body. Blood soaks your clothes and him. Tears run down his face in agony.

What happens when you die is a second chance. You can go back. You can go back to earth and fight for him once more.

Yet, you're gonna wait until he prays. Then, you shall go and reveal yourself. You always do come when Dean Winchester calls.

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