Just a walk

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I saw a photo on Pinterest and a story kinda formed.

It is your usual Saturday walk through the deep forest behind your house. As you walk, your shoes leave an imprint on the soft grass. A bird calls in the distance and sounds of nature are just surrounding you. The snap of a twig, the rustle of leaves, it is all comforting to you.

Instead of crossing the creek like you always do, you walked ahead, hoping not to get lost. Something has always compelled you to this spot. You've just never been brave enough to come.

The sun shines down through the trees, and branches scrap your bare knees. The sound of water rushing sounds somewhere nearby, yet that isn't what is beckoning you. A chill runs up your spine like your being watched. Nothing is in front of you or above you. You slowly turn to you right with an anticipated terror.

What awaits your wide eyes isn't a bear, but a big blue box that says police. It's corroded. The blue paint is peeling, revealing the brown underneath and it looks, sad. You slowly approach it with caution. Your hand trembles as you go up to touch it's aged wood. It feels ancient under your touch. It feels alive.

A faint vibrating is coming from it. This causes you to fall and scurry backward. The doors open with a creak and two shiny boots step into your field. You slowly look up to see a man in a red bow tie and suspenders. You open your mouth to scream or shout, but nothing but a little noise comes out. He looks from you to the damaged box. "What the Bloodly hell?" His hand is soon tracing the outlines and the peeling paint. "Oh no. How long have I been here?" Worry and confusion clouds his face.

He whips back around quickly, "And who are you?" He pulls out a tiny object and waves it at you and checks it. A mumble about humans escapes his lips.

All you can do is stand there in shock. A box in the middle of the forest that contains a crazy man. You get up to quickly hurry away before he can notice but a voice stops you, "Where do you think you're going?" You look into eyes that contain things you can't even dream about and plant there in your spot.

"Well," you manage to speak, "I was walking in the forest," you gesture to the trees surrounding you, " and I saw the box. If you saw a big box in the forest behind your house, you'd be curious too, so I walked up to it to examine it. Then you walk out and now we are standing here." The words tumble out of your mouth and fall to the ground.

He smiles and slaps the wood hard. "Knew you could do it girl. Now, what is your name?" He points to you.

You trip over your words. All that crosses your mind is how weird this is. "(y/n) (y/l/n)."

"Well, (y/n), you are special. You made those doors open." his finger goes toward the double doors. "Someone that special has to travel with me, what do you say?"

"What do you mean travel?" Your hand shoots up to the box, "Does it travel?"

You have to take a second look at the thing. Instead of cracked paint and a kind of lean, it looks brand new. "T.A.R.D.I.S. It can travel through all time and space. Do you want to come."

Excitement fills your veins. No more mundane activities such as parties and work. No, this is an adventure. The words spill out of your mouth like paint, "Yes, I will." Without another word, you both step into the TARDIS and the doors lose behind you, separating you from everything you've ever known.

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