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A Castiel one-shot, because I haven't done one of those yet.

"Good morning, (y/n). How did you sleep?" the old nurse says. They ask you this everyday. "Did the voices come last night?"

"I slept well. Thank you for asking. As for the voices. They didn't." That is a lie. A big fat lie, yet you've always been good at that, at lying.

The graying woman smiles. "Great! Maybe we can lower your medicine." she exclaims. She skips off to the next patient. All you can do is wonder the halls. You come to the rooms where you live and decide to go to yours. You walk until you're almost at the very end.

You try to catch glimpses of the people inside the rooms, yet no one was in theirs. Except for one man. He sits on his bed staring blankly out the window. The man is familiar. He is in your therapy group. He has the same symptoms as you, the voices. You carefully knock on the door.

His head snaps around. Once he realizes you and registers you, he smiles. It's a sad smile. "Hi, I was just coming to tell you that they aren't having therapy today," you stutter.

"I know," he comments. "(y/n), you hear voices, too. What do they tell you?"

At first, you're taken aback. It's a pretty personal question. Before you can answer he flinches. "Uh, they really aren't voices. Its myself telling me that I used to do things. Such as-" you stop yourself. He might find you crazy. Well, it is a mental institution. "Such as that I use to kill monsters with these guys. They were brothers. Sam and Dean Winchester."

When you stop talking, you gave him again. His eyes are sad. They scream at you, almost as if they know you more than you think. "they said they found me mumbling to myself in an abandoned building. I was beat up." You look up shyly and he looks even worse. His bright blue eyes have tears in them.

"I know how to cure the voices," he lamented. You perk your ears up to this, no one can cure the voices as far as you know. "Just let me touch your head."

"Okay, anything to get them to stop." He leans in to touch your head. All you see is bright light and then darkness. Every memory you've ever had of hunting comes back.

Dean Winchester pops back into your head. A clear image of him driving the impala on a black night comes back. The Classic Rock bangs in your ears.

Sam Winchester flashes in your mind. You can see his long hair. An open book lays in front of him while he glares at Dean.

Finally, an angel, your angel, Cas. His blue eyes shine upon you. Memories of him saving your ass come to view.

The memories go away. You stare at the person in front of you. "Cas?" you struggled.

A smile breaks out onto his face. He engulfs you in a bear hug. "Oh, how I've missed you," he breathes.

"Cas, what am I doing here?" You observe the room carefully. It's a plain brown. Both Castiel and you are wearing white. "Last thing I remember is hunting that werewolf." He looks at you worriedly. "Am I in a mental hospital?"

Castiel slowly nods. "Dean and Sam can come and get you tomorrow. I'll call them. Or you could." The thought of seeing the boys fills your heart with joy.


Both Winchesters assured you that they'd be there at 10 to get you. All you have to do was sneak out. Now, you're waiting on the sidewalk with a duffel bag.

Before you look at your watch anxiously once again, the roar of baby comes in earshot. The sleek, black car jerks into the parking lot and skids to a stop in front of you. Both brothers jump out eagerly.

"(Y/n)!" Dean exclaims as he pulls you into a hug. He burrows his head in your hair.

When Dean finally lets go, Sam pulls you in to another hug. "You were in there for over a year, (y/n)." It strikes you. You haven't seen them in forever. They've both gone on with their lives.

"Should we get going?" Dean interrupts. Sam nods and scoots into the passenger seat. Dean turns around and slides behind the wheel. You open the door to the back seat and jump on in. The leather feels familiar under you.

Before all of you zoom off into the night, you look to the third story window where Castiel is. His gaze in on the impala. He gives you a weak wave and you do too. When the engine roars to life and you leave, all you can think about is your angel and when you can see him again.

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