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A Teen!Dean one

The warm sunshine pours down on your bare arms during practice. Today was just such a nice day and your coach decided to let you practice outside for the day. You can hear her yelling at your team. Before she can finish her rant, you see the volleyball coming towards you. You jump in the air to hit it. You feel the rubber of the ball and smack it downward on the other side. Before you know what's going on, you start to fall to the ground. You land on your knees and everyone is crowded around you. Some saying good job others offering to help you up. Instead of accepting those offers, you brush them off and stand up. You feel a bunch of butt slaps of congratulations. You look dizzily to your friend Izzy, "What just happened?"

She looks at you sarcastically, her everyday look, and says, "Gravity." You laugh and pat her on the back. "Now come on, I'm freezing in these shorts."

"You may be freezing but, damn, your ass looks good." You give it a little pat and she yelps. She slaps your hand away.

"Stop it, you're just as bad as those boys." The look of disgust still clouds her face. "Good thing I don't swing that way." She winks and laughs. Hey, you gotta love her. "(y/n), have you met the new boy?"

"No, what new boy?"

She leans her head to the left, toward the bleachers. "That one. If you haven't, well, he seems to know you and taken quite a liking to you." She smirks a classic Izzy smirk and walks off, whistling as she goes. You wish you could be Izzy, with her sleek blonde hair that looked good in a ponytail and her tan long legs. You always knew why she was lesbian, because no man was good enough for her.

Turning to walk in the other direction, you feel eyes preying on you, then a rough hand on your bare shoulders. "Hey, sweetcheeks. What's your name?" a rough voice asks.

"Get off of me Richard. We've discussed this." You push his arm away from you. While you turn to walk away, he grabs onto your wrist.

"Come on, baby. Just one night." You see the boy Izzy was talking about advancing toward you to help. He was trying to be your night in shining armor, how cute. You don't need saved by a boy, though.

"Let. Go," you say through gritted teeth. Richard smirks. "Okay then, you asked for it." On instinct, you kick him in the crotch. He doubles over in pain. Next, you put your hand on his arm where he is grabbing onto your wrist and you flip him. He let go before you could be taken down with him. You kick him hard in the ribs before he can get up and you walk off.

"Wait! Wait! Are you okay?" You turn around to see a boy with close cut hair and the greenest eyes that have ever been seen. Freckles powdered his face like they were sprinkles. Boys usually don't make you get butterflies, but sweet damn, he could've melt you like butter.

You realize that you've been thinking for too long and speak up. "Uh yeah, I get sexually harassed everyday, I'm always having to beat them down." He looks concerned. "I'm just kidding you." You stick out your grass stained hand. "(Y/n) is the name and volleyball is my game, as you could probably see."

"Yeah, as it seems beating ass is, too." You smile and his eyes get wide. "Oh, my name's Dean, Dean Winchester."

"Dean, are you in any of my classes, you look familiar." He runs a hand through his blondish hair and he smiles. His smile could probably bring back Jesus Christ.

"I think we have lunch together." He takes a step towards you. "Would you like for me to walk you home? I'm going that way." You nod and he hooks his arm around yours.

When you get home, he starts to walk away. "Dean would you like to come inside and have something to eat?" He looks excited for a moment, but the smile soon fades.

"My brother is actually at the motel where I'm staying. He must be worried sick."

You about let him go, until you process that he is staying in a motel. "Hold up, what motel?"

"The Bluebird nest," he grumbles. You hold up a hand to signal for him to stop. You run inside and grab the keys to your mom's old car.

"Mom! I'm borrowing the car!" you yell out, even though no one was there. She was on a hunting trip. Still, it made you feel better telling her rather than not. You hop down the front steps. "Get in the car." He opens his mouth to object. "No. The Bluebird is on the other side of town. I'm taking you to get your brother and bringing you both back. My mom won't mind, hell, she isn't even here." With that speech he gets in the passenger seat.

You pull up to the motel and he hops out with a promise to be right back. You turn on the radio and turn it up. You bang your head to the music. Sure, many people though Frank Sinatra was lame, you enjoyed his music. Soon you spotted Dean with a small, shaggy haired boy. He's carrying aa duffel bag and a backpack. You turn down the music as Dean opens the back seat door and ushers the boy in. "Hi, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you. You're gonna be staying with me for a bit." The small boy nods and looks out the window.

"Thanks again, (y/n)." You wave it off and jerk out of the parking lot at full speed. Then seeing the worried look on the boys face, you lay off. "Woah, you drive like hell."

"Only way to drive," you say with a wink. "It seems as I have to slow down for your brother though. Hey, what's your name?"

"Sam," he says shyly. You sling into your driveway and open the car door.

"We're here. We have a guest room and if you don't want to share a bed one of you is going to have to sleep on the couch." Dean shrugs and drops the duffel bag as soon as he enters.

"I could get used to a place like this," he states.

Over the next few days, the two boys stay with you. They stay and watch play volleyball, always with a few winks and whistles from Dean. He always says how good you look in your shorts. You always brush it off. Not to mention, Dean asked you out on a date and you accepted. You guys were the hottest couple in school. Richard didn't come on to you anymore and girls lay off of Dean. All your friends were excited for you. Except Izzy. Izzy is a complex person and you never fully understand why she doesn't want you to be happy. She never gave you a straight answer. She stuck with you though. Even though she complain most of the time.

Then, two months after you met the Winchesters, Dean informs you of a startling secret. Their dad is a hunter and they will be leaving soon. You told him that your mom, too, was a hunter. "How? I mean you live in a nice house." He's baffled.

"She wanted me to have a normal life and that's what she managed. Also, if she wasn't, where did you think I learned to fight like that?" He laughed it off and checks on Sam.

Then the fateful day came where Dean had to leave. You drop Sam and Dean off where his dad was to pick him up. The wind blows through your (h/c) hair while he looks at with forlorn eyes. "I have to go," he claims.

"I know, but if you ever find yourself in this town again, come and look for me. I promise that I'm going to wait for you." He just smiled. Sam was under the over hang, you look at him and sigh.

"I'll try. Just explain to me one thing. How come I fell in love with you when I spoke to you only once?"

You laugh, "Because gravity, that's why." He smiles and hugs you. You take in his scent. He smelt like cheap smoke and summer. He was everything that you love and he had to leave. You see a black Impala pull into the lot and Sam jumps up. Dean hugs you even tighter.

"I'll try to come back, I promise." You knew he couldn't, it was an empty promise. Yet, you still smile and take it to heart.

You wave at them as they drove off. The wind blows fiercely and a single tear lands on the sidewalk. You drive to an empty home and don't start to sob until you are safe inside the house.

That was when you were seventeen, now you are twenty-one. You are still in that small town, waiting for Dean. One day as you are sitting at that same house, you see a black Impala slow down in front of you. Out comes a man in a brown leather jacket. You know who it was without a doubt in your mind. You run to meet him. You run to jump in his arms, and he caught you. You sink to the ground in his arms, and he doesn't let go of you. Through laughter and tears of joy, you say,"Thank God for gravity, am I right?"

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