My Captain

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A captain Jack Harkness one-shot for a friend. I am so so sorry that it's taken this long.

Megan stomps into her office. The door automatically closes behind her. She wishes she could slam it with a force that would break all the glass in it. Today was not the time to mess with her. Jack Harkness of all people should know how important it is to get all the evidence from this alien spacecraft that landed just hours ago. This was not the time to flirt.

She walks over to her desk and throws the folder on it. The stack of paper makes a smacking sound on the wood and pictures fall out. No words could describe how angry she was at the moment. Before she can sit in her swivel chair, a knock rings throughout the room. "Come in," she gruffs. The doors open and she looks up to see suspenders and the asshat in them. "Jack, go awa-"

"Sorry Megan, but there's something you need to know." He casually leans up against the glass wall looking out into the hallway.

"Carry on then," she says with a wave of her hand.

"Three people have gone missing in the last hour. Nothing left but three toed foot prints." He throws photos in her direction. They scatter and some don't make it to their destination. She aimlessly watches them float slowly to the ground.

"That's not good. Who's checking it out?"

Jack shuffles from one foot to the other and a look of nervousness takes over his features. "Well, no one actually." He notices the look of pure anger on Megan's face.

"What do you mean by 'no one', Jack?" she seethes. This was so like them. Jack is the only one she can trust sometimes.

He starts to open his mouth. His big mouth that never shuts. "Nevermind, we are going to check it out together. Get your coat and whatever you need." She throws on her black coat and walks out of her office with Jack trailing behind. Once they get outside and the London air can be felt, she asks, "Who were the victims?"

"Two men, Jerry Sims and Nathaniel Mallow. Then, a woman, Catherine Simpson." He walks straight ahead towards where they went missing. He is her guide now.

She sighs. Nobody ever asks her to go do the dirty work, that's usually her job, to be the boss. "We'll need to spilt up when we get there. It will be easier to cover more ground." Her curly hair blows in the occasional breeze and she wishes that it could do more than go into a ponytail.

He shrugs as they stop in front of an apartment building. "They all lived here," he states.

"Good. Police leave yet?" It is vital that the police aren't there.

"Yeah, we evacuated them." The apartments look empty and they are most likely. The grey paint is peeling off one side and the green roof glares from the sun. It seems, unwelcoming.

Megan has no choice but to go on it. On the ground in the dirt parking lot, is footprints. They aren't regular footprints, but ones with only three toes. She crouches down and touches the outline of them. Thoughts fill her mind of what they could be. Only one stuck, and it was "alien".

By the time she looks up from the dusty ground, Captain Jack is gone. She spots him climbing the metal steps slowly. He has a gun pulled and he's almost at the top. Megan climbs up behind him hurriedly. When she gets directly behind him, he holds out his hand for her to stop in midstep. He is always so dramatic. She pushes pass him and pushes open the closest door.

It creaks when it slowly opens. As she steps in, something feels like goo under her feet. She looks down to find blue goo covering the place. The air feels stale. She steps further in the house. "You know what I said about splitting up?" Megan whispers furiously to Jack.

"Yeah, change your mind, Megan?" He whispers back in a cheeky tone. Not wanting to let anyone know of their presence, she just nods. "I'll take the living room and kitchen. You take bedrooms and bathroom." She nods and forces one foot in front of the other. She can hear him shuffling in the room to her right.

It's obvious which one is the bedroom. The door is wide open and the bed is unmade. They must've left in a hurry. Clothes are strewn around the exposed room. She hadn't felt the need for a gun until now. The strange goo was in globs all over the misshapen room. Then, out of nowhere the covers of the bed move at the bottom. It seems that a wild gust of wind just blew. "Jack?" she says shakily.

No reply.

She tries again. "Jack? We aren't alone." If you were there you could've heard the pure terror in her voice.

Again, no reply.

She whips her head around so fast to face the empty hallway. She strains to hear any sounds that would indicate that he was there. After hearing rustling in the covers of the bed, she decides to look there again. A lump in the cover moves toward the end of the bed toward her. That's when a scream escapes her lips. It is a scream that can shatter any window there is. She shuts the door with a slam that has been anticipated all day. Her pounding footsteps are the only things heard throughout that tiny apartment. She skids to a stop in front of the living room. "Jack!" she says. It sounds desperate.

In the kitchen she can hear muffled sounds. She grips her gun tight and forces herself to stalk in there. She jumps into the small area to find a stuck Jack. A sigh of relief goes through lips.

She jumps the island and goes over to the fridge that he is attached to. That same goo covers him and the fridge. She gets him down as fast as she can. He comes down with a crash and a bang. He groans and says inaudible words. "Shut up, Captain. We aren't exactly alone." His head perks up at that.

"Then we should probably get the hell out of here." He picks himself up and runs toward the door that we stupidly left open. She rushes out behind him and he shuts the door with a force. "We need backup."

"Uhh yeah, probably." She's out of breath. Then she realizes that she saved the famous Captain Jack Harkness. A man who doesn't need saving. "My captain, I really saved your ass back there, didn't I?"

He smirks, it is a classic Harkness smirk. "You know you enjoyed it."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You will never know." They hear the screeching of tires and their "flirting" session is over. But the wink that Jack shoots Megan reassures her that there'll be more later.

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