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The suitcase felt hard under your bottom. The early spring wind made you shiver and pull your coat up over your shoulders. The night sky made the scene just a little bit more frightening. Maybe the train would've been there any minute, maybe it wouldn't. All you knew was that you needed to leave, and fast. Something was following you, and you needed to run from this just like you have been for the past several years.

A whistle sounded and the train could be seen pounding down the tracks. Leaves blew around you as the train comes to a stop in front of you. With a sigh and a quick look over your shoulder, you step onto the steps. The electric street lamps that had been put in just the year before that were the only sign of a town there. Not even an automobile was visible crawling up and down the streets.

The conductor shot you a glare and you stepped into the almost empty train car. Only a woman dozing in the corner and a man looking aimlessly out the window sat in the seats. Looking for the most remote seat was a challenge, but you soon picked the one in the front of the carriage. Before you could sit down, the train started. The chugging lured you into a disturbed sleep. With nightmares filled with mysterious footsteps, shadows, and a man with a box.


A lurch woke you at dawn. The train was stopping yet again. You stretched your arms back and yawned. You could hear people getting on. A baby was crying somewhere near you.

People spilled into the train and filled more seats. Men in suits on their way to work filled rows. A teenage girl in a frilly pink dress sat in the row behind you. Thankfully, no one had filled the empty seat beside you. The people filed in and sat down.

When you thought that everyone was on and no one would be beside you, a man sat down to your right. All you wanted to do was be alone with your thoughts, but now that wouldn't be able to happen. You forced yourself to look over at this stranger and this man's forceful stare meets yours. It was unexpected and scared you the tiniest bit, yet you kept looking at him. You take in everything from his spikes brown hair to his brown pinstriped suit. He wore a brown trench coat. He was something new and exciting. While you are still surveying him, he chimed in. "Like what you see?" His voice had a bit of playfulness behind it.

A blush crept onto your face. "No. I was just looking at the man who sat beside me for some unknown reason."

"Well," that 'well' was drawn out. "You looked like you needed company. Who better to give that company to you than me, a guy in the same situation."

"I don't need company, thank you very much." You flatten your dress and fixed your hat.

"Also," he leaned in closer, "I know you see the shadows, too." Now, you're mother always told you to act like a lady, yet in this moment that was hard.

"Sir, I have no idea what you are referring to." You smiled to dismiss him.

"Don't ignore me. I'm The Doctor, and I know you remember me." The name rung a bell, a bell that can't be forgotten. A bell, that rung and broke your heart.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n). Pleasure to meet you." Except, you'd met him before. This was the man who had always saved you. He was the man in your dreams that came and had wonderful gadgets.

"Now, (y/n). Someone. Is going to die within the next 15 minutes. I need your help." You nodded. What else could you do? "Alright, here's the plan."


You get up out of your seat and walk down the aisle. A angry look was on your face. When you plopped into an empty aisle seat, the child tour your left scooted closer to her mother. Up near the front, the Doctor got up and looked at you before disappearing into the door leading to the next car. It was almost time to set the plan into motion.

The train stopped and shook a little. You know it was your time. "Alright everyone," you jump up to say, "don't panic! We'll have this up and running in no time!" You ran to where The Doctor disappeared just moments before.

The train was going at lighting speed as you tried to cross the connection. It was a single jump that decided whether you save a train of people, or fall and die with the rest.

You put a single hand on the rail and try to step over. When your foot was safely on the next platform, you moved your hand to the next railing and threw your foot over too, yet you lose your shoe in the process. At the moment, you didn't care. It was just collateral damage.

The door opened behind you. It made you fall into the next car. "Nice to see you again!" the Doctor yelled at you. He was running left and right. He tore up seats for scrap pieces. You didn't know what he was doing, but it was working. "I can tell that you're wondering what's going on, so I'll just tell. The shadows feed on you. They have been for so long. So, now I'm going to hook you up to this," he held up a headband, "and it's going to create a force like no other, banishing all the shadows."

"What, you're going to attach me, to that?" You couldn't help but be scared.

"Don't worry, you'll be just fine. I promise." He brung out an object and pointed it at the headband. "It's ready."

Hesitantly, you went over and say on a chair. He carefully placed the metal headband on your head. "Now, think about a time without the shadows. A time where they didn't plague your head. Can you do that?"

You nodded your head slowly. You thought back to last night while you were packing to leave, then they showed up. You searched your brain. Scoured, even. Then you thought of when you first saw the Doctor. That moment when you were taking in every detail of him. That was the only time that you remember not seeing them. "Almost there!" he yelled. It seemed so distant, you felt distant. A headache was the only thing that let you know that you were still there.

"Finished!" The headache was gone. The train was stopped, yet nothing happened. No screams were heard. No shaking was happening. It was...still. The only sound was your panicked breathing. You look out the window, and for once in your life, there weren't any shadows lurking in the trees.

"That was..something," was all you could mutter.

"There's more where that came from, if you want to travel with me." He looked you in the eyes. You both knew the answer. There was no need to wait for an answer.

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