Flannel, flower crowns, and polaroids

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This is for my friend, Mary

Mary lives in the same apartment building as the pretty girl with the big, brown eyes. This girl makes Mary want to fix her flower crown that sits promptly on her head and pull down her long flannel. She makes her want to look better and to fix something. It's just a hopeless crush she has on the girl next door. If Mary left at exactly 7:33 each morning for her coffee at the café down the street, she could run into her or at least catch a glimpse. The girl would always smile at her or wave, but that wasn't enough, Mary wanted nothing more but to talk to her.

Every weekday, Mary is a pet photographer. She brings along her own dog, Cookie, and practice taking pictures of her. The playful Lab always listens. She's a great deal better than most of the animals that come through, but Mary enjoyed her job.

A windy Saturday morning, is all that day is supposed to be. Mary was just going to curl up on the couch with her black and white cat, Holmes, and the orange Tabby, Watson and watch Sherlock. First, she needs to take Cookie for a walk. She attaches the long leash to the Labrador's purple collar. Mary opens her apartment door and let's go of the leash for just a second to adjust her black scarf without thinking, and then Cookie runs out the door. "Wait, Cookie! Come back!" She starts to run down the hallway after her. Then she hears barking and a girl's voice baby talking. She rounds the corner to find that pretty girl crouched down next to Cookie, petting her behind the ears. Mary just kind of stops and looks at them before the girl notices her.

"Oh, hi. Is this your dog?"

"Oh, yes. Her name is Cookie." The girl continues to pet the chocolate lab. "She's very friendly as you can tell."

"Yeah she is. She ran right up to me. Dogs don't usually do that now do they?" The girl stands up and looks at Mary. "I'm Clara."

"Mary, I'm Mary. I live right down the hall." Clara smiles and let's the dig once more. "I'm a pet photographer. Well, I can take pictures of people, too, but animals are just so much easier."

"Cool, I'm a teacher." Clara pauses for a second. "Would you mind if I came and saw some of your photos. My friend has been looking for a good photographer and it'd be good to recommend someone to her." Clara was in fact, lying. Her friend isn't looking for anyone to take pictures. She just wanted to get to know Mary. She wanted to know more about the girl who wore flannel and flower crowns and had a dog.

"Yeah, you can. Just watch out for the cats." Then Mary did what she can't help but do, she fixed her flower crown. What makes her stop is Clara. Her face is lite up. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

"I love cats! How many do you have?"

"Two. Their names are Holmes and Watson."

"Well, let me go meet them." Mary leads Clara down the hallway to her door and unlocks it. As soon as she does, two hungry kitties rub her ankles. Clara instantly pets them and puts Watson in her arms. "Is this one Watson?" Mary nods her head as Clara puts him down. "Where are those pictures?"

"In here." Mary walks over to her "bedroom" and steps in. "Well, come in." Inside, there was a small bed pushed against a wall and pictures hanging everywhere. Pictures of a Big Huskey bounding through a field of flowers sat in her desk. A picture of a Bright white cat hung next to the door. It is more of a workplace than a sleeping area. "Do you like them?"

"These are amazing. I love the Polaroids." She picks up a picture from the desk.

"Oh yeah, Polaroids are my favorite to take. I'm sort of a hipster." Clara laughs. "I could take pictures of you if you like."

Clara's eyes light up. "I would love that. Uh when are you free?"

"Right now, I can make a special appointment for you. I usually don't work weekends."

"What about three tomorrow?" I have to go to a meeting today." Mary nods and writes it down on a notepad.

"Do you know the bookstore on fifth avenue? I work beside it. Or we could just meet up here and we can go over together."

Clara nods and opens the door. "Well, see you here tomorrow," she says as she walks out the door and heads towards her room. All the way through her meeting all she could think about was the girl with green eyes.

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