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"Doctor!" you yell as the Tardis shakes and grumbles. Because of his wreck less navigation, you both were going to end up on a lonely planet in the middle of nowhere.

His head pops up from under the console. "What? I'm kinda busy if you don't mind!"

Before you can shout at him again, you're thrown to the ground. The ship stops suddenly. "There we go, told you I would fix it." He struts over to the door, " Welcome to Rackinhalv!" he throws open the doors, but instead of a gleaming planet with a green moon, what appears to be Earth is on the other side.

Buildings surround you both everywhere. People scurry down the streets, talking loudly on cellphones or to one another. "I don't think we ever left Earth, Doctor. This looks like London."

He opens his mouth to protest, but you hop out and step onto the busy sidewalk. He follows closely behind. "This isn't right. The Tardis says this isn't Earth, but it looks like it. Yet, there's something different. Something that doesn't meet the eye." Without warning, he takes off. You have to take long strides to keep up with him.

You pass shops and parks. People and cars, and it still seems to be Earth. The Doctor may sense something in the air, but to you it's home. That's what you think, until you come to Cumberland Avenue. "Come on, Doctor! Let's go to my apartment and I'll prove it's Earth!"

You start to walk fast down the street. This time he has a hard time keeping up with you. You enter the apartment building with a little skip. "Hey Morg-" you start, but don't finish. Instead of Morgan the pretty lady downstairs who cut her hair short, a man with deep green eyes to match here stares intently at you. "Must of gotten a new guard," you grumble.

The Doctor looks at you in confusion as you start up the stairs. You only live on the second floor. "(y/n), something weird is going on. I can feel it," he whispers furiously. Despite whatever he has to say, you continue on toward your door.

"Here it is. 235. My apartment. On the planet Earth. Sonic it."

"Sonic it? Don't you have a key?" he asks.

"No, silly. I didn't want to lose it, so I left it in the TARDIS." You stomp your foot with the end of that statement. Who would bring a valuable key on an adventure?

He groans and pulls out the gadget. With a few short seconds, he has it unlocked. You throw open the door. "See, my apartment. Home sweet home," that would be true if all the pictures weren't reversed. The couch was a solemn red instead of a lively yellow. The coffe table wasn't silver but black. The light purple curtains that you love so much where gone and replaced with deep blue that reminds you of the midnight sky.

"What were you saying?" the Doctor smirks. It is obvious that you are wrong. This can't be your apartment. Even though that everything is in the same place. It is the same style.

Before you can open your mouth, voices sound from the outside. "Let me grab something before we go. It may be a while," a man's voice comes from the hallway. The jingle of keys sound and both you and the Doctor freeze in fear. The door creaks open and you come face to face with....yourself. Well, a (male/female) version of yourself. They're (h/c) mirrored yours, just (shorter/longer).

The woman beside (him/her/neither) is a tad shorter than your Doctor. Her bow tie is in and she matches the outfit to a T, but there's a red bow in her hair also. She stares hard at your Doctor. You half expect holes to burn in his head. Yet, he had the same look directed at her.

Both you and your twin look at them. "Welp, this day couldn't get any weirder," (he/she) says.

"I agree," you admit. Both Doctors look at you.

"Told you this wasn't our Earth, (y/n)," the Doctor addresses. His twin still stares at him. "Now, we can explain."

"Nothing to explain," female Doctor says, "It's obvious that you got trapped in this universe and you're from a parallel universe. This most likely happened because you threw a wrong switch." She ends it matter-of-factly. Sounds exactly like the Doctor.

Tension rises in the air. It's hard to see through the cloud of the state off. "I couldn't have thrown a wrong switch, I've been commanding the TARDIS for hundreds of years!" All you can do is roll your eyes toward the gender-bent you. They're (e/c) eyes bore into yours.

The Doctors are still arguing in their childish voices. "We better leave. Come on, Doctor." You have to grab his hand to pull him out. "Bye guys. Sorry for intruding." The Doctor still has a grumpy expression. You walk off without him and into the street. The big, blue box welcomes you. He snaps his fingers and walks inside.

"I told you," he grumbles. The baby look on his face really ruins the whole adventure.

"You're just sour because I liked this better than I would've any other planet. Doctor, this felt more like home than home does! That was great!"

All he can do is look at the door of the ship. "Also, I make a pretty sexy (boy/girl/neither/both). You were okay looking, I guess." He smiles and you know he thought you were funny.

"Do you wanna return to your actual home?"

"Nah, now, let's go to Rackinhalv!"

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