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11th doctor imagine, enjoy!

Trigger warning

You look over the edge of the building, little cars zoom by and you count them. Feeling nauseous over the height of the building that you were on, you pull back. You tell yourself to not look down, to just jump off, like you planned. No one wanted you any way. Well, that wasn't true, your brother was the only one that cared, but now he's dead.

Here you go.

As you go, it starts to rain. How ironic, it was raining on the day your brother died, another ironic thing, you were going to fall like rain. So you stand up, completely. The thought dawns on you that you may be missed, but it quickly dismisses.

You sneak a peek over your shoulder. You could always head down, back into the hospital, back to safety. You look back into the busy street. The cold wind and freezing rain blows into you. Your floral skirt blows in the wind and you feel the wind through your blue shirt. Not knowing what to do, you look up at the clear sky. The stars shine like they were meant for you. The stars that you believe that you could travel to one day.
That wasn't going to happen though. It was never going to happen.

You made your decision, you were going to jump. You turn around and lean back, so you could get one final look at the night sky. The sky that sparked so many dreams. You fall back, you fall and close your eyes, but your only in the air for a split second. That is, before you are sitting on cold metal. This is totally not heaven, and you always imagined hell with more fire. This was a metal floor and in front of you two blue doors.

Confused, you get up and turn around. There's a console with a spinny thing at the top with a bunch of circles. "Woah," you breath out.

"Woah, is a correct," a voice says. it sounds young, but oh so old. you turn around to see a man in a dark coat and a dark bow tie. "Now 'Woah girl' who are you?"

You open your mouth to answer, but quickly close it. you just met this man, yet you trusted him. "(y/n). (y/f/n) (y/l/n)." You hold out your hand for him to shake. He takes it, you look into his eyes and see sympathy.

"So (y/n), what did you jump off that building?"

"Uh, it was an answer in a world full of questions." You shrug your shoulders and realize you still have a grip on his hand.

"Here's another question, was it the only answer?" He raises his eyebrows, or what would've been his eyebrows.

You hang your head in shame. You hate it when adults prove you wrong. "At the time, yes. Since you are an adult and questioning my choices, I guess no."

"Time, there's enough time to make other decisions. As for being an adult, I'm trapped in this body, help." The last part makes you laugh.

"What is this place." You could feel the curiosity taking over you. Soaking in every corner.

"The TARDIS, welcome."

"And what does this TARDIS do?" You run your hand over the console.

"It can take you anywhere in time in space." Your eyes go wide.

"A few more questions, who are you?" He smacks your hand from the board. It was a playful slap, nothing meant to hurt you, more of a warning.

"People call me The Doctor, I, too, call myself The Doctor."

"Doctor? Interesting. Can I go with you? In time and space I mean." He sighs. It was a sigh that had a long story behind it.

"I've lost so many people already. I just don't know."

You whistle and think of a way to convince him. "I promise not to die. If that's what you mean by 'lost'." He looks up at you and smiles.

"I like your moxie."

"Doctor, I Don't know you and I already trust you, is that weird?"

"No, because I feel the same way." he laughs and pulls a switch on the console. "Now, any star any place, where would you like to start?"

You ponder for a moment and finally say, "Somewhere without rain."

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