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A sherlockish one-shot.

The noise of people surrounds you as you pass them. One of them is gonna die today. You just haven't figured out who.

A blonde woman in a frilly green dress passes you while talking loudly on the phone. Maybe-no. She wouldn't draw that much attention.

That's why you killed people, for the spotlight. For the attention. For the adrenaline pumping in your heart and the fear in others.

All you really wanted attention from though is Sherlock Holmes. You could get it too, if only he wasn't busy with this Magnussen character that appeared out of the blue.

He stole your goal.


He stole your purpose.

You can't help but walk angrily after thinking of this. Who does he think he is. It has taken years for you to accomplish all you have. Then he pops up and all the attention is away from you.

People bump into you left and right. Some mutter absentminded apologies, those are the polite. The average.

Some stay clear of you. They might have an idea who you are, but most likely not. The highest probability is that they hate human contact.

The rest, oh the rest. They bump into you without hesitation or a sorry. These are the people who are important. The people who draw attention.

Then someone bumps into hard. So hard, in fact, that you can't help but stumble. "Hey, watch it! I'm walking!" you cry out. No one knocks you down.

The large figure looks down on you and you can remember that curly hair from anywhere. Sherlock Holmes is here. "Sorry," he states sarcastically.

With that, he sashays off. His coat trails behind him. You need a victim, and fast. You run ahead and grab the blonde woman by the arm and walk faster in the opposite direction. She's taken aback at first. "Be quiet, Blondie. This is a murder and you're the victim. I'd appreciate it if you don't struggle, I want to do this privately. Of course, I can always kill you know. I do have a gun in my handbag."

The girl whimpers. That's all she is, a girl. Yet, you don't care.

You look back to the sea of people to search for your purpose, and there his black hair tops everyone else. A wicked grin is what you smile.

This will get his attention. A simple gunshot, a scream, and some, but not all, evidence left behind.

If that doesn't grasp his attention, you can always skin somebody.

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