Chapter 1: 18/1/14- Moving date!!

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My name is Leah White and I am 24 years old. I have dark hazel eyes with dark brown hair and I'm 5 foot 4". My usual style is beanies, hoodies and jeans with my Converses (well fake ones cause I haven't got the money to get real ones. I am a broke college student after all, well was but I'm still broke!). I've just left collage and I'm planning on moving somewhere where I can be close to my parents yet have some independence. They've just gotten a job in Washington near Seattle with the local police force which is something that they've always wanted to do. My sister moved out a few weeks ago and became an animal rescuer for Washington. Me on the other hand haven't gotten a job yet mainly because I haven't really had the chance as I only finished university the other day. See originally I came from England but we moved to America because it was so much better for us, and we have family over here so it makes it easier for visiting family.

I got out of bed and chucked on a white crop top with a dark eagle drawing on it, a black hoodie, my ripped blue skinny jeans and my black Converse's (well fake ones). I chucked my brown hair up into a messy ponytail whilst hitting myself in the face of course, and some make-up on which consisted of foundation, concealer, mascara and a little eyeshadow. After getting changed and sorting out my appearance, I ran downstairs to see mum and dad in their new work uniforms.

"You guys look awesome. I love the outfits. They really suit you both!" I spoke with high enthusiasm in my voice, they smiled and Mum hugged me.

"Thank you Leah! Our First day of our new work, I'm looking forward it to be honest, considering that I haven't been at work in 5 weeks." Mum chuckled, "I hope that the property viewing goes well and that you find a place that you want. Remember that we are here for you no matter what you decide!"

"Thanks Mum. From the pictures online, the place looks relatively nice. The neighbourhood looks friendly and the person who is selling me the person who is selling me the place is very nice! He's very chatty and..." Before I could finish my sentence Mum cut me off and told me that her and Dad had to go to work and if they didn't leave now then they would be late for their job. I gave them each a kiss and told them that I loved them and told them to text me as their day went on. Mum and Dad gave me a hug and said their goodbyes before they drove away in their Land Rover which looked like a tank. I grabbed my phone from the table, headphones and car keys and made sure that the house was locked up and that everything was ok before I got into my little Ford KA and drove away. I tuned into the local radio station and drove to the place with the occasional out of tune singing to random songs. When I was driving down this quiet road I was singing Nelly Furtardo's 'Maneater' extremely loud. When I came to the traffic lights all people could see was my mini concert in my car which meant that all I got was some glares and some giggles from people as they walked past.

I was greeted by a young man as I pulled up to the place. He had black hair and wore a red beanie, with a red, green and black checkered shirt, black jeans and some blue/black trainers with golden 'D' on them. He had a black and green tattoo on his arm which looked pretty cool. I parked up and stepped out of the car. I walked round to the boot and grabbed out my handbag.

"Hi. You must be Leah right? I'm Delsin. Delsin Rowe. I'll be across the road from you in that house that looks like a giant totem pole" Delsin said. I giggled and looked at my surroundings. It was a very beautiful area, trees, lakes, rocks, 'totem poles' and kind people. Very Tumblr looking which was great for my photography page. It was everything I ever dreamed of! It felt good doing something for myself as I have always done things for other people in my life.

"Let's go and look at the inside of the place. It's a fully furnished place with a view of..." I droned out half way through what he was saying and just kept on looking at my surroundings. It was such a beautiful place and I already knew that this was the place where I was going to live. Before I could tune back into what Delsin was saying I heard a loud bang and smoke started to emerge. I tapped delsin and he told me to stay put and to not follow him but being my curious self I followed him. I saw a guy in an orange jumpsuit holding Delsin and not letting him go and him absorbing some smoke! I hid behind a tree and then turned around to see Delsin blacked out on the floor. I didn't know what to do. So I panicked, got in my car and drove home. Questions circled my head for ages. I didn't know if Delsin was going to be alright but for the time being, I needed to focus on my safety, and getting out of here.

See me and Delsin have a bit of a past, we dated each other for a couple a month's but broke up because of the stress of exams and us just not working out. He's generally a nice guy but when you cross him then forget about that nice persona. We always said that if we were going to meet again, we would pretend that we had never met each other before so then it would avoid awkwardness but then arguably that could just lead to more awkwardness. I really liked Delsin when we were dating. He was sweet, charming, outgoing and more. I don't think that we would date again but I think in the future we could be good friends at least.

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