Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

Leah's POV:

I was shocked to see that my own sister was a conduit. The sister that I knew for all my life, was a conduit just like me. It must have run in the family but then again, my parents weren't conduits -I don't think - so where did we inherit our powers from? Fetch, Luna and I did our best fighting off the DUP's and once we had finished, Augustine retreated back to her concrete fortress in the middle of Seattle. We headed back to my apartment and I asked Luna for a full explanation as to what was happening. She seemed so relaxed? How could she be so relaxed at a time like this?!

"So, you have a lot of explaining to do." I said with my arms crossed.

"Do I? What do you want to know?" Luna seemed to have a lot of attitude.

"Well, when did you get your powers?"

"I got them about a year ago"

"And what happened?"

"I kept them secret for a while and then told mum and dad. They didn't really seem too happy as when I told them they had just been fired from they're old job. After they found out about me they suspected you were one as well but didn't want to say anything to you because they wanted you to be the normal child."

"But what stopped you from telling me?" I asked, hurt by what she had just said.

"Mum and dad told me not to say anything to you. They said if I did then they would turn me in to the DUP and I couldn't bare being in that place. You have to understand that everything mum and dad did was to protect you. Moving here was a good idea for them so if I did say anything then the DUP are here and it would be easy for them to turn me in."

It took a while for me to process everything because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I know that Luna wouldn't lie to me but she could have done. I was near to tears by it all. I went out into my bedroom and shut the door.  I knew that Luna would say something to Fetch so I got the glass from my bedroom and put it against the door.

"Don't worry about her, she can be so over dramatic. Our parents cared more about her than they did me. See I'm the older sibling out of the both of us and she always fought for the attention as she 'felt that no one loves her because she was younger and I had my exams so our parents spent more time with me' only so I could get some good grades which can help me in life. She just doesn't understand that what our parents did, they did for her, not me."

I just couldn't believe what I was hearing; my own sister said that about me. The temptation to just storm out of here and confront her about what she'd just said was there but I knew that if I did, it would only antagonise the situation even more. I lay on my bed and buried my head in my pillows. I began to think about what had happened with Delsin and how I sold him out for my sister. He must probably hate me for what happened, to be entirely honest I would hate me too, anyone in my situation would probably hate me. I looked at my clock and it was 5.45pm. I thought I would get a shower and order pizza. As mad as I am with my sister, I'm not going to starve her. I opened my bedroom door and looked at Luna and Fetch. They seemed to be getting along quite well.  There was laughs and they seemed really happy considering the situation. Then I over heard some of the conversation,
"Okay, okay, there was this one time when we were outside in the garden of our old house and it was her idea to make a mud cake. She was 3 and I was 9. So we decided to make this layered cake with grass filling and flowers on top. So we made it and afterwards Leah stuck her hand in the cake and started eating it!"
The sound of Fetch's laugh echoed throughout the whole apartment and I'm pretty sure the whole building could hear her laughter.
"That is so not what happened! Last time I recall you ate the grass and said it tasted like lettuce and that I should try it! In of which I tried it and spat it out!" I said in my defence.
"Oh, eavesdropping were we? And that didn't happen at all! Even ask mum!"
"It so did happen! And if we want to go off embarrassing stories what about the time when you walked off with another woman because you thought that she was mum! It only took you till we got out of the store for you to realise that it wasn't mum!" Fetch's laughter got louder and louder until the neighbor from next door started banging on the wall telling us to be quiet. It just reminded me of old times when friends used to be round and it was who can embarrass the other person so much that they go bright red. "So pizza okay for dinner or Chinese?" I asked. Majority vote went for pizza because it was easier than Chinese.

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