Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Leah ' s POV

I drove home and ran into my room. My phone was vibrating like mad but I didn't answer it at all. I shut my door and threw myself on to my bed. I just couldn't get up after the thought of my new neighbour and ex partner (Delsin) being dead.

I jumped into the shower to try and calm my self down. I got out and looked at my phone to see 31 missed calls from Delsin and 6 texts. I guess he kept my number then and didn't delete it like I did. His texts read;
D; Where did u get off to earlier on?
D; Leah answer your phone!
D; Leah!
D; Leah just answer your phone please! I need to ask you something important.
D; Leah FGS answer this text!
D; Just get back to me as soon as you see these. I really need to talk to you about earlier. IDK what happened and I need to know. You were there and I need to know what happened.

I read his texts and texted him back, our conversation consisted of this:

L; What?! I've been extremely busy calming my self down after thinking that you were dead! If anyone should be annoyed it should be me! I don't even know what I saw myself so I wouldn't ask me what I saw.
D; Look I can't explain things this way, I need to speak to u face to face Leah. Do you still want the property?
L; I'll have to think about it Delsin, after everything that happened today I'm scared to live there in case the same thing happens to me. I'm gonna take a walk in a bit so if you need to talk to me then meet me near the longhouse.
D; I understand what you mean, I would be the same but it's honestly a good place and there are police nearby if anything happens. Please do move there Leah. I'll meet you at the long house happily because I need to speak to you anyway.

After I got changed and got a small bag ready I got out of the house and locked up, as I got out of the house mum called me to ask how things were. I told her everything was ok and that I'm off to go view the property and she wished me good luck, I said bye and hung up before starting on my journey. As I walked through the woods I saw a group of druggies in a nearby area where it seemed to be a little den. I tried to avoid em but couldn't. They ramsacked me and a flash of fire came at me, I grabbed their hand to stop them when a load of smoke swarmed me and then blacked out.

I woke up in the Akomish longhouse. I looked around to see Delsin, what looked like a cop, And an older lady. I made enquires on what happened but no one answered. Delsin asked to talk to the cop and they took off. The older lady told me that her name was Betty and she explained what had happened. She told me that I was attacked by druggies and that they'd stolen my bag. I just didn't say a word. Betty soon left as she told me that she had to get back to work. I thanked her for letting me stay here and she gave a gentle smile before walking out. Delsin came back in; unfortunately.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. I propped my self up but had a sharp pain in my side. I continued to get up.
"I've been much better thanks. It's all your fault you know. You were the one who made me come down here." I chuckled at the end to show that I wasn't completely mad because it was also my fault.
"Thanks... You've always been one to share the blame... Anyways about earlier, what happened was the guy who was holding me was an escaped convict. I'm alright though, I just blacked out at the end because of all the smoke which came from the vehicle from where it had tipped over." He said. I just nodded. I didn't know what to say.
"I'm glad you're alright though and it was nothing serious. Listen, about the house... I'll take it." I spoke in a firm manner and then looked at Delsin. He nodded and an agreement was made. The house was all mine. I got up and changed into some spare clothes which Betty had found for me as my other clothes were burnt due to the fire. I heard Delsin and that cop arguing over me. I couldn't care less to be fair. I over heard Delsin shout;
"Reggie, she's a conduit, just like me! What do you expect me to do? Abandon her like some piece of garbage? Well I won't. I'm off to walk her home. If you need me, call me but I won't pick up."
The first thought that ran through my mind was 'what's a conduit?' And 'why me?' Delsin entered the room as I attempted to fix my beanie. He ended up fixing it for me. I hit him in the arm.
"That's for making me think that you were dead!" He could see how mad I was and he just chuckled, "Ok. From now on I'm calling you Chuckles the Clown cause I swear all you do is chuckle."
"Your super cute when your mad." He said in a playful manor. I scowled at him and then checked my phone to see that I had a text from dad. He was enquiring where I was. I just texted back saying that I was on my way home and would be back soon. We left the long house and we walked home. There was an awkward silence until we got neared to my house.
"So.." Delsin started, "You moving in tomorrow correct?" I nodded, "Ok. I'll be over at 11am to come help you shift your stuff."
"Ok, we can pack things up in my car and drive there and chuck em in the house quickly and then keep doing that." I said, to which Delsin nodded. We talked quite a bit on our way home. I thought things might be awkward but they surprisingly weren't.

Not long after that we were home. Mum and dad were looking out the window waiting for me to come home. Mum sighed with relief when I got inside the house.

"Leah, where have you been? It's 5.30pm!" Dad shouted. I explained that I went to view the house and sign the agreement papers and that I left at 4.30pm(not!) and actually hadn't been gone that long. They just nodded and said the usual 'ok, don't worry, your not in trouble.' just don't do it again like they always do.

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