Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Leah's POV

I ran inside my apartment and threw my bag down. I went straight to the freezer to grab a Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. Oh the luxuries! I sat on the couch with my ice cream and turned on the TV. I put on Frozen because it was the only decent thing on the TV at this point in time!

My phone was silent. No texts, no calls, no notifications. That got me worried. Had I blown it with Delsin? Was it over? What about James? Did I stand a chance with him? I had so many questions going through my head... My phone started vibrating and I jumped straight on it.

James: Sorry about earlier. Something came up. Do u wanna meet up tonight? I heard that there's a band playing later at the Space Needle?

L: Ok, sure. I need something to take my mind off earlier. What time does it start?

J: I think it's about 7? It's 3pm now so if u want we could have dinner first?

L: This isn't a date is it?

J: No? Just two friends hanging out. Where do u wanna go for dinner?

L: Well at the moment I fancy Chinese food so we could go to King Noodle?

J: sure, I'll pick u up at 4.45?

L: r u sure? I'll walk if I have to!

J: nope it's fine. Just dress nice tho. A dress would be good

L: I don't own a dress...

J: skirt?

L: Nope

J: Jees your hard work

L: Sorry! It ain't my fault I hate dresses

J: Don't worry about it, I'm kidding. Wear what u wanna wear.

I sprung off the couch and went to find some clothes that I could wear. I kinda lied to James. I do own a few dresses but I hardly wear em. I found a red dress that flows past my knees. It has a few gems on it. I grab my red flats and a necklace and chuck them on the bed next to my dress. I then ran into the bathroom to grab a shower.

It's 4.30pm... I'm really nervous! I wonder if Delsin's going to be there.. could hell break loose? I doubt it. My phone started to vibrate and it was Delsin calling me. I put my phone on silent because I really didn't need this tonight. I ran into my bedroom and put on some mascara and red lipstick to match my dress. Then the door knocked. I ran over to it and opened it to a rather shocked looking James.
"Wow... well so much for you not having a dress! You look amazing. Now are you ready? I've booked a table at King Noodle. My cars parked outside" He smiles as he kissed my cheek. James is wearing a smart shirt and smart jeans with black shoes. His hairs all gelled. We walk down the stairs to his car. I seriously didn't expect him to have a matte black mini convertable. I got in the car and I was mesmerised at the inside. Cream leather seats, leather steering wheel, fabric/plastic convertable roof. It was like my dream car.

We arrived at the restaurant and I got out of the car. We walked into the building and we were directed to our table. We sat and had our dinner and we talked some more about our interests and our lives.
"Wow, I didn't realise that we have to much in common!" James says as takes a sip of his drink. I smile and call the waiter over for the receipt.
"Don't you want dessert? I heard they do some excellent tiramisu." James says, I can't help but feel guilty for this.
"James this must have cost a fortune! We don't have to have dessert. It's 6.20, we could just walk around the town centre?" James shakes his head.
"Nah, it's fine. Honest. I'd rather get you a dessert than walking around the town centre for 40 minutes." James called the waiter over and asked for the dessert menu. When the menus eventually came I took a look through, there was loads of fancy cakes but I knew what none of them were. Towards the end of the menu I was a chocolate cheesecake and I thought that I would order that as it is one of the only things that I actually like. We placed our orders and we talked some more until our desserts came over. James ordered the tiramisu whilst I had the cheesecake. I have never tasted anything so divine in all my life. We sat on silence whilst we ate. Then we both rushed towards the concert because once we had finished it was 7pm. We rushed to the concert. We arrived to see a a band playing on the stage outside the Space Needle. There were loads of people. Me and James stood there and watched the concert until I met eyes with a very pissed off Delsin...

A/N: the pic is of the restaurant that Leah and James go to for dinner:)

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