Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Delsin walked through the door when I was giving James a strange look as he jumped onto a building with a trail of neon. Delsin came in the café and ordered us drinks. He returned with drinks and placed them on the table.
"What are you staring at?" Delsin asked, trying to look where I was looking.
"Nothing much.. I... erm... just thought I would look out the window. Problem?" I tried to act cool because I couldn't just blurt out that I had just met some guy who jumped on buildings and trailed neon as he went. I'd sound crazy! And I'd probably end up in a mental institute...

"No problem at all. So we need to talk, you wanted to know what a conduit is? Well. A conduit is someone with abilities, powers you may know them as. Conduits can have one power as far as I know. Most have different powers such as fire, neon, TV, lightining."
So that's what James must be...
After our drinks we went into an ally way. Delsin agreed to walk me home. Then out of nowhere Delsin stopped me.
"Leah I need to tell you something urgent. You know how we used to date? I want that back. I miss you and your sarcasm. Please give me another chance. I won't screw this one up." I lowered my head and though hard on this. Sure it was one of the best relationships I've been in but things just weren't working out as he kept disappearing.
"Delsin, I'm sorry but things can't return to the way that they were, things are different now. I'm sorry. Even if things did return to normal it probably wouldn't last." He looked a little hurt but I couldn't help that. I couldn't have the old relationship.

We continued to walk home in silence due to what had happened. I got home and I said goodbye to Delsin. He nodded and turned away. I must have really hurt him. I never wanted that at all. All I wanted was to talk to Delsin about Conduits and nothing else. The one question that lingers in my mind is does he hate me?

Delsin's POV

All I feel is hurt. I knew that It was a long shot but still. That wasn't the reaction that I wanted or needed. My phone started to vibrate and it was Reggie saying that he needed my help with some work and that it was urgent. Oh and also there was free food. Doesn't take me twice say no to free food!

I arrived at the longhouse where Reggie was. I walked in and asked him what was going on.
"Well, there's a criminal on the loose. His names James Next. He is a conduit just like you but with a difference. He has neon, you have smoke. There has been word that James has been in Seattle lately and I wasn't sure if you had heard to seen him." Reggie showed me the photo and he looked familiar, "Word is -Delsin- that he's been going to a Café in Seattle. I can't remember the name but it's the one where you took me once."
Yeah and it's the same one I took Leah to the last few days. I just wonder if Leah has seen him at all.

"I'll take a look for him tomorrow but Reggie, where's this free food?"

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