Chapter 3;

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Chapter 3:

Leah ' s POV

After a few weeks of lifting and shifting all my stuff into my new house, it all felt like a home. I sat on my newly bought grey sofa that my parents had bought and attempted to watch some TV. I looked over at the clock on my wall and saw it was 10.45am. After about 5 minutes of watching some cooking show which was on, I got a text from Delsin asking if he wanted to meet up and go out for a coffee with him which was suspiciously nice of him. I said alright, reluctantly, and told him to meet me at my house for 11.30am as it'll give me time to shower and get ready. Delsins response was 'can I come over earlier and get in the shower with you?' I ignored it and went to get ready.

I got dressed and wore plain grey t-shirt with a casual Panic! At The Disco jumper, denim jacket, my black skinny jeans and my black pumps.

Delsin came and knocked at my door a couple of minutes early with his phone in his hands texting someone. I answered the door and told him to come in whilst I finished getting ready. He stepped in and took a look around the room, he stood gobsmacked at how fast I moved and how quick I unpacked and set everything up.

"God you move fast! If it were me it would have taken months!"

"Well Delsin I'm not lazy like you." I said bluntly.

"I'll pretend that didn't hurt..." he spoke in an overly dramatic hurt tone with his hand over his heart.

We headed out of the door and agreed to go to a small cafè near my apartment. As we walked in I grabbed a table and Delsin grabbed the drinks.
"Mocha with extra cream, just how you like it!" He said with an extremely cheesy grin on his face.
"Wow, as if you remembered that!" I sat there and stirred my coffee. He nodded.
"It's not like you'd let me forget. I used to always go out and get you it."
"Always isn't the word I would use Delsin. It was occasional."

After about two hours, we paid and left, Delsin walked me back and then walked across the road to the longhouse. I got in, and sat straight on the sofa and received a text;
"Now now, don't get to attached, remember our deal..."

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