Chapter 10 - The truth

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Chapter 10

Leah's POV

'I want the truth majorly and if I don't get it I'll kick off' I thought, I wanted to know who or more what I was.

'Leah, your a... Perfectly normal human' I imagined him saying. My face lit up with excitement from my imagining that scene but then I got brought back to Earth.

"Leah? Leah? Hello?" He waved his hand I front of me. The atmosphere warmed up again and it felt good.

"Hmm, your still here?"

"Yeah Leah, I'm still here."


"Do you still want me to tell you whether your a conduit or not?"


"Great, meet me at the space needle in 30 minutes. I have something I need to take care of."

"But why can't you tell me now?"

"Because, where's the fun in that?"

"You're an ass"

"You love me really"

I scowled and Delsin ran and jumped out the window. I ran up to it and saw that he was no where to be seen. I ran into my bedroom and got some clothes on quickly, I brushed my hair and threw it up. I chucked on my converses and headed out the door. I walked to the space needle to see Delsin leaning up against a lamp post. He walked over to me and told me to follow him, I just nodded. We walked to a building and Delsin told me to take his hand. We flew to the top or what felt like flying.

"Leah, I'm a conduit. That's how we got up here so fast. The thing is, I don't know if you are. That's what brings me as to why were up here. We are gonna try and see if you do have anything."

All I could do is nod. This all sounded crazy to me, I was just gobsmacked at the fact that Delsin was a conduit. Delsin! Of all people!

A few moments later my test begun. I was told to channel all my energy to my hands and to punch a brick.

"A brick?! Are you insane! What if I'm not a conduit and I break my hand?!" He gave a smirk and encouraged me to do it. I attempted channeled my energy and punch the brick but I ended up hurting my hand.

"You didn't channel your energy Leah, clear your mind and channel that energy"

I tried it again. Clear my mind, channel the energy to my hand, close eyes and... The brick broke in half. I opened my eyes to find 2 pieces of brick in front of me and my hands on fire. I shook my hands to extinguish the flames. All I could smell was burning.

"I... Did it... I did it?" I looked at the bricks in shock that I had done something like that. Delsin nodded, "So I am a conduit..." I knew that everything was going to change around me, my life would never be the same again.

"Leah, this is only the beginning..."

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