Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Delsin's POV

I looked around to see if I could spot anyone I knew. I spotted leah and she was with some guy. It smelt like a circus tent. Leah started to look around and spotted me; our eyes interlocked. I felt my body fill with rage. She ignores my calls and decides to go with that douche bag. I remember the photo that Reggie showed me earlier of the criminal and the guy Leah was with looked similar to the photo. I started to walk over to Leah and the guy "so the I wouldn't be lonely" aka, I just wanted to prove myself right.

I approached them and leah greeted me with a friendly smile, fixing my beanie along the way.
"Hi Delsin! I didn't know that you were going to the concert?" She spoke with somewhat enthusiasm. The guy Leah was with didn't look this way, he was too focused on the concert so I'm gunna call him Cousin it.
"Yeah, it was a last minute decision, did you get my call?" I asked she shook her head. I could tell she was lying immediately. I tried to say hi to Cousin It but he ignored me.

~3 hours later~

The concert just finished and people started to disperse. I had already left and I was stood on the top of a building watching. I left Leah and that guy because things were too awkward and I couldn't handle it. Leah and Cousin It walked away slowly and me being me, I followed them. In some respects you could call it jelously but I'd call it looking out for a friend.

They arrived outside Leah's apartment. They said goodbye and then cousin It decided to kiss her goodbye. Ok, so she doesn't want to date me but she will date a convicted criminal?! Great. Just wanted I needed on my plate other than stopping the D.U.P.

Leah's POV:

The concert had finished and by that time Delsin had left. He made up some stupid excuse and left. After Delsin left, James seemed really quiet. I wonder if he's feeling jealous over the way I treat Delsin; but then again, why would a friend get jealous over another friend? Anyways, we watched the concert in an awkward silence until it had ended. We walked home talking about how great the concert was. To him the concert seemed brilliant but to me it seemed like something was missing... We reached my apartment building and we said good and then James leaned in for a kiss.
"James?! What was that for?! I said that we would be friends and nothing else!"
"It was just a goodbye kiss; no need to freak out so much"
"But still! Friends don't kiss other friends"
"Well good night"
He walked away and I went into my apartment. I flung off my shoes and got changed into my PJ'S. A few minutes later my phone went off and it was Delsin. Just what I need... He texted to ask how the rest of the concert went. I sighed and threw my phone on my bed. I was just too tired to answer and couldn't be bothered if I'm honest. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I heard noises outside and I rushed to the window. I saw nothing out there but a trail of fire. Was this what Delsin meant by Conduits? Was the person outside here a conduit? Maybe I was imagining things? I ignored the questions rushing in my head and went to bed. I climbed under my gorgeously warm duvet and fell asleep.

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