Chapter 4

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A/N: the picture above is Leah's apartment. Hope you enjoy this chapter:)

Chapter 4

Leah's POV

Horror struck me as I read through the text. There was no name, no number, nothing. I don't even remember a deal being made with anyone. I tried to find a contact number but I found nothing. I texted back asking who it was but I never got a reply. I decided that I should flick on the TV for a bit and see what was on TV to distract my self from that text.

The thoughts kept ringing through my mind and I kept on trying to think of any deal I may have made but nothing sprung to mind. My phone then vibrated and I rushed over there. What if it was a text from that person? What if it was my parents? What if It was Delsin? I opened my phone with caution to receive a text from Delsin.

D: Hey Leah, I was wondering if u wanted to meet up again tomorrow. I had an amazing time today and I wanted to see u again?

L: What's a conduit?

D: What?

L: Answer the question!

D: Why do u wanna know?


D: Ok ok! A conduit is a person with abilities

L: Abilities? What like?

D: All sorts; fire, concrete, neon, TV, ect

L: Ok, so why did u call me a conduit the other week?

D: Did I? I don't recall it...

L: Stop playing around. U were talking to some guy?

D: Look meet me tomorrow at the café and I'll explain. Promise

L: Fine but your buying drinks

D: No promises there.

I put my phone on charge and looked at the time. 9.30pm. Time for bed. I got changed into my PJ'S and into bed. I checked my phone once more to see if I had any notifications but I didn't.


The next morning I woke up at 10.30am with a head ache. I grabbed some paracetamol from the cupboard and a glass of water. I consumed two tablets and drunk the entire glass of water. I put the glass in the sink and I got dressed into my leggings, a cookie monster t-shirt and a plain blue jumper. I got a text from Delsin asking what time we should meet up, I said at about 12pm. He sent back a simple ok. I put my brunette hair into a french braid and I put on some black mascara and some lipstick, just the way I like it. I played a bit of candy crush when the time got to 11.45. I grabbed my phone and my bag and I headed out the door.

I arrived at the café and I was sat waiting when a young man with dirt brown hair and piercing blue eyes approached me.

"Hey, are you ok? You look a little lonely." He said. He gave a smile afterwoods and I gave a little nod.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. I'm just waiting for someone. They should be here any minute."

"Do you want me to sit here and wait with you. We could get to know each other. A stunning young lady shouldn't be waiting on her own like this," I blushed at his comment. He held out his hand, "My name is James."
"I'm Leah... Leah White" I smiled at him and we started talking. Then my phone vibrated and it was Delsin.
"Sorry James, I've got to take this, can you wait like 5 minutes and then we can continue this conversation." He nodded his head and ran his hand through his long hair.
"Really Delsin... It's 12.15 and your late as per usual. Where are you?"
"Sorry Leah, I got caught up. I'm really sorry. I'll be there at 1pm."
"Fine Delsin but hurry. If your late then that's it, I'm off home." I hung up the phone and went back inside. James was texting someone but I have no idea who. I apologised for being so long. James nodded and understood. We talked for another 40 minutes about our life's and our common interests and James hurried out the door and jumped onto a building with a ribbon of neon trailing after him. I gave a strange look, that's when Delsin walked through the door.

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