Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Leahs POV:

Ever since my sister was born we have been close. We look so similar that people thought we were twins but I was taller than her. My sisters name is Luna and she means the world to me. When I was younger I always imagined scenarios to do with my sister and I and what I would do. One of the scenarios was to do with Luna bring kidnapped and what I would do however I couldn't find a way to save her. No matter which approach I took it would always end up with the same result. Either me or Luna dying. If Luna died I wouldn't be able to live with myself so I wanted to do everything I could tonight to make sure that no one died.

James said that he wanted to meet me at the space needle on Thursday at 2pm. Today was Tuesday which meant that I had less that 48hrs to make sure I knew everything to do with my powers like how to control them and best methods of attack. I knew that James wasn't exactly gonna be easy to take down and that. I knew that I needed Delsin to teach me more about my powers so I could get my sister back from James. I knew from the start that something wasn't right about James and this just proves it. All I want to know now is what he planned to do with me after he made friends with me. Did he plan to make me his little pet or worse?  I know that thinking things like this probably isn't best at 1am so I decided that I should probably get some rest before tomorrow.

"Delsin I need a favour from you. Can you please teach me more about my powers? I need to know everything about them before Thursday so then I can get my sister back. I don't even want to think about what James would do to her if I don't show but I know for a fact that it won't be good. To be entirely honest I don't want to lose her, it'd probably break me." I looked at the ground with my eyes filling with tears. Delsin looked me with sympathy and replied in a soft tone;
"Leah of course I'll help. I have friends who can help aswell. I understand exactly what you mean. I have a brother and I would hate it if anything happened to him. I'm willing to help you in any way that I can." I smiled a gentle smile at him and thanked him for his kindness. This wasn't the first time Delsin had mentioned these friends of his and I was eager to meet them. From what I had heard that were really nice people.

I told Delsin I was off to bed for the night and to wake me at 9am if I wasn't up already. He nodded and told me not to worry about things and that it was going to work out for the best. I just hoped that he was right. I said good night and went into my bedroom. I walked over to the wardrobe and got out a fresh, clean pair of pyjamas and got changed into them. I climbed into bed and put my phone on charge. As I put my phone on charge it beeped to signify it was charging. I unlocked the phone and re-read the message James had sent me.  Part of me wanted to reply to him with something whitty whereas the other half knew not to as it would just antagonise the situation even more. 

During the night I drifted in and out of sleep. I kept tossing and turning thinking about the whole scenario with my sister being caught. I just kept on feeling helpless because I hadn't fully learnt to control my powers and couldn't go down there straight away to help her. I was tempted just to phone her phone just incase James was bluffing but if she had her phone then there was a chance that James would have it now. I kept having to reassure myself that it was going to work out and thinking about other things because I knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day. I sat up and looked out the window. The scenery outside looked beautiful. Between the moving cars and the slowly changing night sky, the city felt so alive! However, I looked to my left and saw a ribbon of pink neon. My first though was 'I wonder what 'heroic' deeds James is doing' but as the ribbon got closer the person trailing the ribbon was a female with pink hair. I sat confused for a second because I didn't know of any other conduits in the city other than me, Delsin, James and the DUP. I lay back down and cleared my mind of any irrational thoughts and went back to sleep.

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