Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Leahs POV:

Me and Delsin walked home like normal, we talked about random events that happened over the last few days and the many different ways to take down the DUP. Sure it was good but something felt off. Delsin didn't seem like his old self, like there was something that he wanted to say but just couldn't say it.

"Hey, are you alright? " I asked with caution. I didn't really want to upset him or try and make him feel bad but I did just want to find out and make sure in a caring way. That's when Delsin just stopped walking and broke down into tears. He dropped to his knees and just sat there and cried. I hugged him and tried to comfort him as best as I could but nothing seemed to work and over and over the only words that I could hear were 'it's all my fault'. I tried to pick him up but he wouldn't get up. Instead he brought me down and sat and hugged me until he noticed that I was fast asleep in his arms. He picked me up and then walked me back to my apartment. Just as we got to the bottom of the stairs to go to my apartment, I woke up.

"Hey." I said sleepily. He gave me a gentle glance.

"Thank you." He spoke in a slow and gentle tone.

"For what?"

"For being there for me. I really appreciate it Leah. I really do."

"Hey no worries. I know that you would do the exact same thing for me Delsin. You wanna tell me what that episode was about?"

"It is all my fault that I didn't do anything to stop them from taking me. I know that I should have done something but I couldn't."

"Don't blame yourself for something that you couldn't prevent. I don't blame you and no one else does. " I hugged him for reassurance, "Lets go up to my apartment and get some sleep. Its nearly 1am" We walked up to my apartment. When we got in I flopped straight on my bed. It was late at night and all I wanted to do was to go to sleep but I knew that I had other things to do, like get Delsin a duvet and a pillow, get a drink for the night and to put my phone on charge.
After doing all this I got into my bed and then I heard a chime from my phone. I didn't know who it could be from so I went over and checked.
*1 new text*
I opened the to be horrified to see who the text was from.


That little stunt you pulled earlier was quite impressive and the fact that your a conduit just makes the situation better. Don't worry though, I have the thing that you didn't quite think about. Your sister... Meet me at the Space Needle on Thursday at 2pm if you want to see her again xox

I looked at the date on my phone and it showed Tuesday. That means I have a day to get a plan together. I ran through to Delsin to see him on his phone. "Delsin. He's got my sister..." I spoke with tears in my eyes because I couldn't stand the thought of losing my sister even though we didn't really get along.
"What? James has your sister? That may explain why he wasn't there earlier when his men were taking me somewhere but don't worry Leah. I promise we will get her back no matter what." That last sentence gave me reassurance and made me feel better, a lot better because Delsin is always true to his word, no matter what.

Sorry for the lack of updates! Been kinda busy with school and now it's time for GCSES (Dun dun dun)
I'll try make the next chapter longer than this but this was a quick update to let you all know that I'm still alive. As for my other book (the Sly Cooper one) I'm really considering discontinuing it:/ I just don't feel as connected to Sly cooper as I used to be. I dunno, maybe I'll do a really long update which will round off the book?

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