Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Leah's POV:

Delsin started to attempt to avoid eye contact, I don't know why though. Was he hiding something? The atmosphere changed immediately from happy to unhappy. I took our plates away and put them in the sink and I sat back down on my bathroom stool.

"Delsin, am I a conduit?"

"Leah, I don't know."

"Your lying. Your eye starts to twitch when your lying;" Delsin covered his eye, "You know but don't want to tell me the truth."

"That's not it at all Leah and you know it. There's a bigger story to that but there's one thing that I must tell you. You cannot see James anymore." I cut him off straight away.

"Delsin, you can't just tell me what I can and can't do! What do you think I am? Some obedient dog?" I started to tear up. I couldn't just drop a friend like that. It's horrible and mean!

"Leah I don't think that at all but if you want the truth then you have to PROMISE me that you won't see James again. I'm sorry." I could tell that he was feeling bad about it but I couldn't just drop a friendship like that.

"Look it's fine but I'm sure it'll crush him" great, thanks for the guilt trip. I wiped my tears away and tried to cheer myself up so I didn't sound miserable on the phone to James.

After a 10 minute conversation getting off the phone from him was hard. He kept blaming it on the Kiss and saying that if he hadn't of kissed me then none of this would have happened. I kept telling him that that wasn't the reason but he wouldn't listen.

"There done. Are you happy now?" I snapped at him.

"Yeah, now, do you want the truth Leah? Make sure your prepared for it because once I tell you there's no going back. Understand?" I gulped and nodded,

"Leah, Your a..."

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