Chapter 8

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A/N~ I'm stuck at ideas for this book and also I'm such a terrible writer, also im trying to publish chapters on a regular basis. Sorry this chapters short, I'm on holiday at the moment:) Anyways anyways here's chapter 8!

Chapter 8

Leah's POV:

I woke up the following morning to the smell of bacon. Bacon?! I sprung out of bed and ran into my kitchen to find Delsin making Breakfast.

"What the hell Delsin!? You can't just break into people's houses and start making breakfast for yourself!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs at him but he didn't pay attention.

"I wasn't making breakfast just for myself you know... There was some for you too... there's bacon, eggs, toast, sausages.."

"Wait, you can cook? Geesh and here I was thinking you were a mamas boy who got everything done for you!"

"Nah, I don't know where my mum is or my dad, I don't really care either."

"Delsin you can say stuff about your parents. That's really mean. I mean I understand that your really hurt but still"

"I seriously couldn't care less right now. Anyways, here's your breakfast!" He handed me a plate with bacon, sausage, scrambled and fried eggs and toast arranged in a smiley face.
"Seriously.. A smiley face?! How old do u think I am, 5? 6?" I snap at him, he smiles and sits down at the small table I have. Seriously the food smells gorgeous. I go to sit on one of the chairs and it snaps. I fall straight on the floor and Delsin is laughing his ass off. I ended up laughing with him. Luckily I didn't knock my plate on the floor!

After getting a little stool from my bathroom I sit and eat the delicious food. It was basically heaven on a plate.

"Delsin, I really need to ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure. Fire away"

"Last night I saw I trail of fire. Who or what was it? Was it a conduit?"

"Last night? At what time?"

"I think it was past 9 o clock" all of a sudden Delsin starts to look really sheepish

"It probably was a conduit Leah, I'm not gunna lie to you anymore."

"Delsin...what was a conduit doing outside my apartment?"

"Dunno, they may have just been passing over head."

"Ah right. I just have one more question. Am I a conduit?"

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