Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Delsins POV:


I could see Leah was getting stronger bit by bit. After I had finished with teaching her to control her powers,  Fetch then taught her combat techniques. I sat down and began to feel really sorry for her. I couldn't begin to imagine what she's feeling right now with losing her sister to one of the bigger gang leaders in Seattle, he still isn't as big as the Akurans but given the time he could be. The only worry on my mind at the moment is if she runs into concrete queen, what'll happen to Leah? Will she be able to defend herself? After Fetch had finished teaching Leah different techniques, Leah thanked Fetch and ran over to me.
"You're getting much better Leah." I told her with a smile on my face.
"Thank you for helping me get better. I really appreciate it a lot. To show my gratitude, I'd like you to follow me." My instant reaction was to go with her and not to question what she had just said. I trust her. We dashed from rooftop to rooftop with the occasional look at the city, looking down on the DUP herding people like they were cattle in a farm.  I couldn't help but feel sorry for them being treated like that. We kept going until we reached the Evergreen Point bridge. Then I became quite sceptical about this whole thing. I mean to bring me to a bridge of all places just made alarm bells ring in my head. "I'm sorry." She said. James appeared and grabbed me.
"Leah, you kept to your word after all. I was thinking you weren't going to!" Leah turned her head to the ground and clenched her fists in anger, "Your sister is safe. She's at the other end of the bridge. Toodles."  We exchanged lookes before she mouthed 'I'm sorry' and James took off with me.  I didn't know exactly know what to think at this moment in time, I mean my closest friend just gave me away to one of the drug dealers which she 'hated for so many years'. The whole thing just seemed a little sceptical to me. Part of me wanted to hate her so much whilst the other part of me knew that there was a side of this that I didn't know about.

We arrived at this location, I didn't really know where we were as I was blind folded when we arrived on top of a building. I just wanted to get an explanation as to what had just happened. When the blindfold had been removed I could see we were in a dark room with James stood right infront of me.

"Ah, I see you've finally awoken. It took you long enough." He sniggered an evil laugh.

"Where am I? Is Leah alright? " I looked around the room to see if I recognised anywhere.

"Wow, you've been taken captive somewhere and one of your first thoughts is if she's alright! What a fool. She'll be fine." He spoke with a wicked twang to his voice. I thought that if I could keep a conversation going with him for long enough I could burn the ropes and escape to Leahs apartment.

"Yeah it is my first thought. Problem? Now do you care to answer my second question of where am I?"

"No, no problem there. And I don't care to answer the second question as it isn't of importance."

"What do you want with Leah, James? So you can just use her again?" 

"And why should I tell you? You'll only rush to her aid."

"You should tell me because I could be a valuable asset to your plan. You see I know Leah really well so I would be able to help you." I knew for a fact that I wouldn't actually help him. I'd just listen to his little plan and then warn her of what was going to happen. James became a little skeptical but said that he would trust me. He told me exactly what his plan was and how I could help. I listen closely to what he had to say and memorised everything that he said.

Leahs POV:

I couldn't believe that I gave a friend away that easily but he had my sister. I'm sure that if I told Delsin he would understand why I did what I did. I smoke dashed down to the other side of the bridge and Luna was there as promised however she was hanging from a neon sign by her arms.

"LEAH!" She shouted, she seemed happy to see me yet panicked, "Don't come any closer it's a trap!" I looked at her strangely as it didn't seem like anyone was around which confused me. I didn't know what to do, I mean I wanted to save my sister but I didn't wanna get her killed! I thought that I could possibly shoot the neon rope which is holding her up there and then dash over and catch her but if this is a trap I would probably be walking right into their trap which means it could end badly for Luna which is something I don't want to happen. I thought it was worth a try though. Then out of nowhere a purple/pink figure dashed infront of me, jumped up and grabbed Luna. Once the figure stopped I instantly tensed up as I thought it was James but I couldnt of been more wrong. It was Fetch.

"You looked like you were in quite a situation there. I thought I'd give you a hand!" I smiled and looked at Luna who looked upset.

"Whats wrong Luna? Did he do something to you?" I instantly clenched my fists at the thought that James had done something to my sister.

"I just... I just thought that I wouldn't see you ever again." She instantly teared up and hugged me. I hugged her back, I was just so glad that she was now safe. I thanked Fetch for saving Luna and she told me it wasn't a problem.

"Where's Delsin?" Fetch asked and I instantly felt my heart sink. I told her exactly what happened with the whole thing since I last saw her.

"Yeah, don't worry about the whole thing. If it were me I probaby would have done the same thing. Besides Delsin could tell there was something wrong with you. He asked me that I follow you just incase there was something wrong with you." I smiled at the thought of Delsin actually being concerned about me and instantly regretted what I had done. There was a build up of guilt within me and I knew that Delsin may never forgive me for my actions.

To my left I saw a group of DUP agents and Brooke Augustine emerging from one side of the bridge. I just wondered if this situation could get any worse.

"So, you're this Leah I've heard so much about. I've heard you've picked up a new trick and that you are no longer just  a plain old mundane. I'd love to see your exquisite power." She gave a signal to a guard and then all came running towards me. I told Fetch to get Luna to safety but Luna was adamant that she was staying with me to fight. I told her it was safer but she stayed in the end. I shot down the DUP's and had a little help from Fetch. I just wondered what Luna was doing. Before I knew it 3 DUP soldiers were wrapped up in a ball of air and were on the floor with air spiralling around them. They didn't look dead, just sleeping. Fetch and I just stared at Luna in both shock and amazement.

"What? Your not the only conduits around!" She laughed and I just smiled.  We battled off at the DUP's and Augustine retreated back to her concrete fortress in the middle of Seattle. Fetch, Luna and I all went back to my apartment and came up with a plan to get Delsin.

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