Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Leah's POV :

We trained and trained for ages and ages until it seemed we had been training for a day. The shy changed from a Caroline blue to a midnight blue within a few hours. It was noisy within the city of Seattle. People chatting, cars driving past and ally cats hissing.

"What's the time?" I asked. Delsin looked at his phone to check for me. His phone illuminated the dark sky that surrounded us.

"It's 9.03."

"Really? Wow. It feels like it's about 12 at night!"

"Yeah it does doesn't it."

"Yeah, shall we train for a little longer or do you wanna call it a day?"

"Well a little bit longer can't hurt really. Can it?"

We trained for another 2 hours but we didn't realise it at the time. It felt good to know that I was getting stronger and more powerful but it felt like someone was watching us though whilst we trained. I turned and looked around to see if there was anyone but I couldn't see anything at all, just darkness. Then I saw something move.

"Leah? Are you alright?" Delsin asked. I looked at him, nodded and gave a grin after to confirm that I was really ok so then he wouldn't suspect anything but then I told him that I thought I had seen someone and he said that it was probably a cat or something, "Come on Leah, let's get you home. This training has probably made you see things, plus it is like 11.16"
"WHAT?!" I shouted. He nodded, "You could have at least said something Delsin!" He stood and laughed. "What's so funny? I asked.
"Nothing. Nothing..." He wiped a tear away from laughing so hard. I really don't understand what was so funny. We kept walking till we reached my house. Then IT was there.

"What the hell are you doing here James? Haven't you got better things to do than stalk me?" I hissed. He shook his head and gave a dark and sinister smile.
"Actually Leah, I'm not here for you. I'm here for him..." He turned to look at Delsin. I turned to look at Delsin and then back at him.
"Well your not getting him James. Keep dreaming."
"Why do you love him Leah?"
"Well I don't know James. Do you love your face cause in a minute it's going to be pretty messed up" I lit my hands on fire and Delsin took my hand and put the flames out.

"So, James is it? Why do you need me then?" Delsin started.
"Well... You'll see if you come with me." James said with a sly smile.
"Yeah, no. That ain't going to happen in a million years until you tell me what you need me for." I was getting seriously pissed off with what was going on. I lit my fists and charged at James. He dodged it with ease and then started to tut.
"Tut tut tut Leah. That has to be the biggest mistake you've made." I dashed round back to Delsin and gave him the look of you ain't going anywhere. Delsin then gave me a reassuring look and told James that he would go with him but he wanted to hug me before he left.
"Leah, follow us but make it look like your not actually following. Stay strong. I love you" He kissed me on the cheek and I stood there like a dumbfounded idiot. Had Delsin really just kissed me?

James and his 'gang' all left with Delsin in their capture. Guards surrounded him like he was some kind of prisoner. I walked into my building and then went up the stairs to the top of the building. I had the rod still from Delsin. I began to feel guilty about what had happened even though I hadn't really done anything wrong. I kept trying to take the blame for the situation but then I realised that Delsin wouldn't have wanted that. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop but trying to keep a good distance. There was talking but I couldn't make out exactly what it was. Then I heard my name and everyone stopped in an ally. They all surrounded Delsin. I hopped on to the building next to them and listened in to what they were saying.
"So how long have you and Leah known each other? James asked.
"What's it to you?" Delsin some with caution. He looked up and spotted me and looked back down.
"Oh no reason. Just wondering is all." You could tell that James had a plan but he was trying to reveal it I case anyone nearby heard it. "Look Delsin, I'll cut you a deal. You seem like a nice person and you are someone who is close to Leah so here's the deal. I've seen you training with her and all I ask is that you keep on training her. Make her even stronger than she already is. Then when she is strong enough bring her back here call me and I'll come collect my princess." James handed Delsin a little card and Delsin accepted the deal. I knew that Delsin wouldn't actually follow through with it, or so I hoped. Then James and his gang vanished only to leave a multi coloured rainbow of powers behind them as they left.

I jumped down from the building and landed with style as always.
"Are you alright? Did they do anything to you?" I asked with care and worry in my voice.
"Yeah Leah I'm fine. I'm just glad that they're gone." He said whilst looking to the ground. Silence filled the atmosphere.
"... Are you really going to follow through with their plan?" I asked. Delsin looked at me and walked over to me.
"Of course not. Why would I? I only did it so I could escape and come back to you." He then wrapped his arms around me and then I hugged him back. It was good to know that Delsin was safe and that he wasn't really going to follow through with their plan.
"Can I ask you a question Leah?" Delsin asked.
"When James asked you if you were in love with me, why did you say that you didn't know?" I was lost for words. Why did he have to pick now to ask that?
"Well... That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now let's go. I'm freezing my backside off out here." I spoke whist trying not to shiver.

Sorry for not updating in a while! Thank you are the votes and for taking the time to read this book! Until next time!😊

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