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"I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It's the bully who's insecure." -Shay Mitchell

"I think I'm starting to have a crush on Suho honestly" she looked over at him and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
It felt comforting to hear that, I'm not gonna lie.
"When did you start liking him?" I asked curiously.

"I think I developed feelings along the way. He saved me a few times from some things. We both have many things in common and plus, he knows about my bare face"
I nodded silently hearing what she had to say. Lee Suho didn't seem all that bad after hearing her side of the story. It felt refreshing even.

"Well since you told me one of your secrets, I'm willing to spill one of mine."
I fidgeted with my fingers and finally let the words escape my lips.
"I think I like Han Seojun"
Her eyes widened and she started squealing holding my hand and swinging it back and forth. This caught the attention of both of the boys and they looked at us questionably.
I placed my finger on my lips and shushed her up before they could overhear our conversation. It was nice letting out my feelings for once. It feels as if a huge weight has been lifted from my chest.

After a huge debate on who takes who home, it was decided that Seojun could take Jukyung while Suho takes me home. We all looked disappointed except for Seojun who's smile reached all the way to his ears.
Me and Suho was in a awkward silence in the taxi afterwards. I decided to open up a conversation first because I needed to anyways. I have to be on good terms with him if he will date Jukyung one day.

"I'm sorry for what I said in the cafeteria that day. Will you forgive me?" I looked up expectedly.
With a sigh he nodded before mumbling a "only because you are Jukyung's close friend.."
I smiled at that and looked out the window of the car. The stars twinkled against the dark night sky, The streets were pretty empty and shops were closing for the day.
"You know that I know about Jukyung's secret right? She told me that you knew as well."
He looked up surprised but quickly masked it with his everyday emotionless face.
"Don't get all defensive. As her best friend, I would never reveal her secrets."

"Also, what's with you and Seojun anyways? Can't you guys get along like back then" I crossed my arms and looked at him sharply.
He decided not to answer and looked out the window.
I let out a sigh before saying "If it's because of Se yeon like how Soojin told me, it's better to close the patch up now. He wouldn't want to see you guys drifting apart because of him. You are both equally hurting and you can both heal if you would just make up already..."
the taxi stopped in front of my house and before I closed the door I said "just think about it okay? Have a goodnight" he seemed to be deep in thought as the taxi drove away.
I let out a shaky breath as I unlocked my door to the house. I wonder what Seojun and Jukyung are doing together..

-Time Skip-
The next day, Seojun seemed so much more clingy to Jukyung than usual. She gave me an apologetic smile and I slightly nodded in return.
"Jukyung!!! The boys are asking me if I can join the basketball tournament. I'll only enter it if you allow me" I can't believe Seojun would say such a cringey thing. I almost threw my water bottle at his head from the bleachers.
She told him whatever and that he can join if he wants.
The school festival was coming up and we were all excited for it. Me and the girls got permission to go to the bathroom to touch up on our hair and makeup. Right when we were about to enter, I saw a few girls bullying one girl near the stalls. Jukyung looked really angry at this scene unfolding in front of us so I thought quick. There was a bucket of water near me so I grabbed that and threw it on the girls bullying her.
"What's your problem! Who are you guys to do this!?"
"Isn't that what you were just doing to this girl here? Making her feel worthless and like a piece of shi-"
Soojin spoke up next. "If I just sit around watching you bully her, I'm no better than you, am I not?" She did a flying kick towards their direction to intimidate them. Jukyung was now shaking with anger and I had to calm her down. Before we all realized, the girl near the stalls ran out of the bathroom and towards the roof.
Soojin and Sooah said they could handle these girls so me and Jukyung went up to the roof in a hurry.
"Are you okay? Did they not hurt you too bad?" I asked worryingly.
The girl shook her head before silently starting to cry.
Jukyung hugged her and consoled her for a while.
She finally opened up to us after a few tries and told her story. Her name was Gowoon and she was being bullied for being too talented in singing. However, they also made fun of her looks which made me glance over at Jukyung. Maybe that's what happened to her in her last school. Maybe that's why she feels insecure when she doesn't even need to hide it. I suddenly felt the need to figure out who did that to her and punch them in the face.

After exchanging numbers, we parted ways and went back to class. The remaining of the day went by in a blur. All that was left now was the festival tomorrow. I was really looking forward to it actually.
Gowoon said she was going to perform tomorrow so I created a poster to hold up to cheer her on. I also made one for Seojun during the basketball match.
Everything was slowly falling in to place. I hope nothing bad happens tomorrow..

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