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"You are one heartbreak closer to being with the person you are meant to be with"

The next day, we all decided to play the truth game using the lie detector machine.
I sat next to Jukyung and Soojin because we let Sooah have her time with her boyfriend.
One of our classmates started asking questions to random people.
"Jookyung is there anyone you like right now?"
"Yes!" she confidently answered but the lie detector zapped her. I kept my laugh in as she looked wronged right now.

Next was Seojun's turn to do it. One of his friends asked him a question that would confirm if he liked Ju or not. Although I knew the answer, I was hoping that maybe his feelings had changed.
"Do you like anyone in this class?" They asked playfully shoving him.
He thought about it before looking at me for a split second. His eyes moved from mine and rested on the brown haired girl next to me.
"Yes, I like this girl a lot"
Damn, that hurt me a lot more than it should have.
Everyone immediately thought it was Jukyung since they were wearing couple outfits and started asking her questions. I excused myself and went in the campsite direction to freshen up and get a grip over my emotions.

In the evening, we all held a talent show and everyone wanted Seojun to sing for them. He used to be a trainee back then so I was really looking forward to it.
When I noticed that he hadn't start yet, I realized he was looking at me and at the guitar. I got the message and went up on stage with him.
I slowly started playing a tune and he blended in with his soothing voice. As it came to an end, everyone cheered for Seojun and I gave him a thumbs up.
He truly did look happy performing out there.

Me and Seojun actually first met in music class one day. I was playing the guitar and he randomly started humming a melody. It's like we instantly clicked and got to know one another after that.
We formed a bond teasing and bickering with one another. And you know the rest of the story..

Later that night I found the lie detector test and wanted to try it out for myself.
"Do you have a crush on anyone Kang Haewon?" I changed my voice and asked myself goofing around. "Yes indeed" it detected that it was the truth and I slipped my hand out of the straps. Just as I was about to leave, a voice interrupted me.
"Didn't know the Kang Haewon has a crush on someone" As he appeared out of the shadows, his face shined under the moonlight making him look 10x more handsome.
Han Seojun walked up to where I was at and sat in the seat next to me. "Wanna try? I'll ask you a question" I asked as he slowly warmed up his hands stretching them. I laughed at this and thought of something to ask him.

"Has your heart ever fluttered because of me?" I looked at him in the eye waiting for his response.
He stared right back at me intently before replying "maybe I did or maybe I didn't" he gave me a smirk satisfied with his answer.
"Yah! That's not a proper answer, Get back here!" I chased him around and into the woods as he ran away laughing.
Before I could catch him, I heard some sniffling sounds. I slowed down and hid behind a tree and peeked out slowly. There stood Jukyung crying and Han Seojun slowly approaching her.
I only heard a bit of their conversation but the only thing my ears picked up were
"you see,.. I like Suho. But why doesn't he like me back?" She cried harder explaining it to him.
I could tell Seojun tensed up and his eyes looked hurt but he managed to comfort her and wipe away her tears.
I awkwardly stood there thinking if I should go over as well or stay put,
until she got up and left him alone. I walked over slowly and patted his back gently. "She should've kept it a secret from me as well" he said as his arms fell to his sides.
"You all need a therapist to go to. This love triangle is killing me" I said as we walked back to the campsite.
I managed to make him smile with my dumb remark and felt a sense of relief knowing that he was feeling a little better. As we parted ways, I went in to find Soojin crying and Sooah comforting her.
Aish everyone became crybabies in one night

"What's wrong bby? Who upset you, I'll go beat them up for you" I went over and crouched down to give her a hug.
"Why doesn't anyone like me Haewon? Suho doesn't like me and even my father hates me.." her tears silently fell one after another as I mouthed a what happened to Sooah.
"She got rejected by Suho" I carefully read her lips and my mouth formed a o. I was too busy trying to take control of my feelings when my best friend over here was struggling as well.
I didn't think she would fall in love with her childhood best friend.
Now 2 of my closest friends like the same person. What am I supposed to do now and who am I supposed to support?
Since I knew that Suho really likes Jukyung, I had no other option but to say the words that would both break her heart but open up the path to healing.
"Soojin listen to me carefully. Just because you got rejected doesn't mean you aren't good enough. They are the ones who failed to notice what you have to offer. You are intelligent, beautiful, and one of the strongest people I've met in my life. Even if you fall over temporarily, the people that love you will be there to pick you up."
"And who knows, someone that only has his eyes on you and thinks of you as his world might be a corner away"
She stayed in my arms until she fell into a light sleep. I conversed with Sooah for a bit Before Jukyung came in with a big smile compared to a while ago.
"What happened here?" She half whispered seeing soojin in my arms. As we filled her in of the situation, her face seemed to be getting more and more gloomy.
Once I put her and Sooah to bed, I prepared some tea for Jukyung. She came in with her pyjamas and makeup free face.
I patted the seat next to me and handed her the tea.
"What's been on your mind lately Jukyung? You know you can always talk to me about your problems" I reassured her and waited for her to start talking.
As she took a sip of her tea she began explaining it to me from the beginning.
"Ever since that time Suho hugged Soojin, I've been feeling really insecure. I thought Suho liked Soojin after that incident and I tried to distance myself along the way. But he proved me wrong after-"
"After what?"
"After he confessed and um k-kissed me tonight"
Now everything was falling into place. I now knew why Suho rudely rejected Soojin. And why Jukyung was hesitant in talking about their relationship.
"Maybe you should talk to Soojin about it. About your relationship with him. You both are my close friends and I don't want either of you to get hurt or drift apart from one another."
I noticed she was playing with the necklace around her neck nervously. I don't think I've seen it before so I assumed Suho had gotten it for her tonight.
We talked until it was very late out and then went to sleep. What we didn't know though was that Soojin had woken up and heard us talking about Jukyungs problems.
I wonder if overhearing that conversation would change Soojin's perspective on this situation?

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