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Little by little, day by day, what is meant for you will find its way"- unknown

The car ride went by in a dreadful silence that no one dared to break. Once I saw the airport getting nearer and nearer, it finally dawned on me that Lee Suho would be leaving. For god knows how long.

He would be leaving my best friend in a heartbroken state and his best friend that went through ups and downs in life with him.
And I........well forget me. I don't think I mean much to him anyways.
Once he checked in, the time was slowly ticking away until he got on the airplane. He first hugged Seojun and they exchanged a few words with one another.
He smiled at me and I nodded tightly.
At last, he embraced Jukyung tightly and that's when I heard Ju break down in tears.

"This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight to the United States. Please proceed to gate 2 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the doors of the aircraft will close in approximately ten minutes. I repeat. This is the final boarding call.."

Suho finally let go of Jukyung and slowly turned his back on us. As his figure got smaller and farther away, Jukyung covered her face with her hands and cried for a long time. All I could do was hug and console her for the time being.
We took Jukyung home and explained the situation to her parents. They looked very worried for their daughter seeing her in such a pitiful state.
I wanted to stay over just in case but Jukyung politely refused saying she wanted to be alone for tonight.
As we were heading home in the taxi, I looked up at Seojun for the first time since Suho had left. His eyes looked empty and missed the shine that it normally had.
I grabbed hold of his hand and drew random patterns on his palm. I was trying to help him feel better but in reality, this was also helping me stay calm and strong for everyone's sake.
The fun day that we all had in mind turned into one of the most terrible days for Ju and Seojun.
All I could do was watch beside them in silence and let time heal their hearts.
Many months passed by and everything seems to be going okay. Jukyung is handling a long distance relationship with Suho for the time being. We don't know when Suho's dad's condition will improve so all we have to do is wait it out.

It's around spring time now and we are all finally graduating high-school soon. I'm currently looking through apartments online since I want to move out from home and learn to be independent.
As I clicked on an apartment that looked rather pretty, I heard my phone ringing with Jukyung's name written on it. I picked up instantly with a smile on my face
"Hey wassup Ju!"
I immediately became serious when I heard her crying over the line.
"Wait what's wrong? Should I come over?" I got up quickly to grab my keys and bag. I stopped in my tracks once I heard Jukyung's voice.
"He broke up with me Haewon. He broke up with me because he doesn't want to keep me waiting."
"He isn't sure how long he will be staying there and believes this is for the best" she cried even harder trying to explain it to me and I rubbed my temples slowly.

"I should just fly over to America and smack him in the face for you. He really thinks you will move on with your life that easily huh"

She quieted down after a while and we eventually said our goodbyes to one another. I sat down clearly frustrated and not in the mood for apartment hunting anymore.
I pulled out my phone and opened up the group chat that us girls had.

Me: Ice cream at xxx, you guys down? And Ju don't you dare say no, or I will go to your house and drag you along with me.

Soojin: I'm down!

Sooah: I'm only going if you pay for all of us ;)

Hyemin: what is everyone wearing? Casual or cute?

Me: anything honestly. And yes my treat, I'll be paying. Ju?

Jukyung: Fine but i have something to vent to you guys about. Be prepared to listen 😭☹️

I put my phone down and went in my closet to look for something to wear.
Who am I trying to impress anyways, it's just the girls. I could go in my pyjamas and they wouldn't even care.

As I arrived at the ice cream shop, I saw Hyemin and Sooah already sitting down at the table in the corner

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As I arrived at the ice cream shop, I saw Hyemin and Sooah already sitting down at the table in the corner. I walked over and took a seat next to them. Soojin and Jukyung arrived a few minutes later.
"What flavor do you guys all want?" I said as I looked through the options.
"Hmmm I want cookies n cream" Soojin said smiling at me.
"The Strawberry one" Sooah said and looked over at Hyemin. " What about you?"
"Mint flavored" replied Hyemin. She got a weird look from Sooah afterwards
"But mint tastes like toothpaste Hyeminnnn. I thought we went over this gurl"
"Respect my choices bish" Hyemin fake glared at her and they both let out a laugh.
Ju pointed at the chocolate flavored and I nodded in return.
"And I will get the vanilla n caramel one." "Let me go give our orders real quick. I'll be right back. And Ju you can fill them in on what happened today"
As I placed the orders remembering all the flavors and toppings that everyone wanted, Ju explained everything to the girls.
"He wants to break up?! This bastard"
"Wahhh he's heartless"
Sooah and Soojin were insulting Suho left and right while Hyemin was patting Jukyung and asking how she was feeling.
As we all got our ice cream, Sooah had to take a picture to post and keep as memory. Afterwards we all enjoyed the sweet flavors and talked about random things to make Jukyung feel better.
I think it worked since she was finally laughing along with us.
As we all said bye to each other and parted ways, I walked with Ju to her house.

"Are you going to really break up with him?" She stopped in her tracks hearing my question. Her eyes turned glossy and tears were threatening to fall.
"Maybe. He said it's for the best.."
I thought about it before saying "if you are truly meant to be together at the end, then this will all pass by and you will meet with one another again."
She smiled at that and we walked hand in hand joking around and reminiscing the times when we first met.
As we turned the corner, we saw........

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