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"The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last" -Maira Rogers

The next day, I skipped school and went to Jukyungs house. She hasn't been picking up my calls or reading my messages.
I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open it.
"Oh what brings you here Haewon?" Jukyung's father opened it with a smile on his face.
I guess she didn't tell him about the whole incident.
"I'm here to see Jukyung sir. Can I come in for a little bit?"
"Why of course. Come in come in. I'll tell her mom to bring up some fruits and snacks for you girls."
I went up the stairs and knocked on Jukyung's door before coming in. Her room was a mess and she was curled up in a ball on her bed.
I embraced her in my arms as she quietly sobbed for a while.
"All the photos got removed baby, it's all taken care of now."
She nodded softly and looked up at me for the first time today. Her eyes were swollen from crying and she looked so broken.
"What do I do Haewon? Everyone found out about me at school."

I intertwined our hands and smiled at her. "You are going to show them how strong you are by going to school when you are ready. You have to show them that it doesn't matter what they think of you, it's your life and you are the source of your own happiness."
"Do you want to call Sooah and Soojin over so we can all have a girls day? I think it's also time to explain everything to Sooah."
She nodded her head and pulled out her phone. Once they came over, another crying session went by with Sooah and Ju making up.

"What's so different about my baby's face. You can just take care of your skin by going to the dermatologist and taking your vitamins. I'll give you tips for a skincare routine and your skin will be glowing by next week!" We all laughed at Sooah's enthusiasm and I felt relieved. Having the four of us together once again felt so right and I was now sure that Ju is ready to go to school and face everyone with a smile on her face. Because she has many people that care for her and will always be by her side.
Two days later
Jukyung took a deep breath before entering the school grounds. She obviously looked nervous but I'm glad she now felt confident to come in without her makeup on.
I watched as everyone made way for Jukyung to go in and they whispered among themselves.
I glared at each and every one of them as I walked by.
Jukyung's face brightened up as she saw Lee Suho waiting at the end of the hallway. She ran into his embrace and they stayed like that for a while.
I could hear everyone gasp and have a look of shock on their faces. Me, Sooah, and Soojin sent a knowing smile to each other and watched happily.
Seojun seemed to have made up with Suho because he also looked happy, relieved even.

"Yes, I'm dating Suho if you are wondering! He likes me just the way I am and I'm not going to ask for anyone's permission to be with him and to be happy!"

"Preach sis!!"

Our group clapped and encouraged everyone else to do the same. I looked over in Seojun's direction briefly to see if he was alright. Huh
he didn't even look hurt or jealous. I wonder why?
I walked over to him and nudged him in the side. He glanced over at me before slinging his arm over my shoulders.
"Did you and Suho make up after the hospital incident? You look more friendly with him now"
He smiled a little before saying "yes we all did actually. Him, me, and his father. We also visited Se Yeon's grave a while ago."
"I guess we are in the road to healing after all"
I smiled at his words and patted his back gently.

The days passed by and the news about Jukyung's appearance and her dating Suho calmed down.
After my little confession the other day, I thought we would grow awkward with one another but he has been more open towards me.
Jukyung asked if me and Seojun could come with suho and her to horseback riding today and we gladly agreed.
I am pretty excited and a little nervous because it will be my first time riding a horse.
I looked through my closet to find a suitable outfit to wear for this occasion.
It was a little chilly out and since I was going to be riding, I can't wear a dress or skirt.
I decided to wear a blue denim jumpsuit that I recently bought with Sooah.

I liked how it was simple and made me look elegant without revealing much skin

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I liked how it was simple and made me look elegant without revealing much skin.
I put my hair into a ponytail and touched up on my makeup for the day. Once I was done, the door bell rang indicating that Jukyung and the others had arrived.
I quickly went downstairs and put my shoes on. When I opened the door, Han Seojun was standing with his devilishly handsome face. He looked at me slowly from head to toe and I felt shy under his gaze.
"All ready to go?" He said and I nodded in return.
"How do I look?" I said, a little nervous to hear his response.

"Beautiful as always" he opened the car door for me which made my heart swell with happiness.
I went inside the car and greeted the new couple.
We all headed out and had a mini car ride where we blasted our favorite songs and jammed to it.
Once we arrived, our instructor came over and led us to the horses we will ride today.
"I see you guys reserved 2 horses for today. 2 people each?" He looked between the 4 of us and Jukyung spoke up first.

"Yes thats correct!" She cheerfully said and secretly winked in my direction.
Oh I know where this is going. She's trying to set me up with our Seojun over here.
I nudged Seojun to get his attention and whispered "it's okay we can ride separately if you aren't comfortable with it."
He let out a scoff and leaned close to my ear. "Why act like we haven't rode together before, Kang Haewon? You always ride with me on the bike, we will do just fine."

I hope my red cheeks weren't that visible, Seojun sure knows how to mess with me.
I went over to the horse we would be riding today. His name is eclipse and the horse Ju will be riding is named stormy.
As I struggled to get on, I was going to call the instructor for help until I felt two strong hands lifting me up. Seojun got himself up easily and sat behind me. The feeling of his touch still lingered on my waist even though he had let go a while ago.
I tried to stay calm and collected and looked ahead of me instead. As we all started our little journey I got all excited but held on to the rein tightly.
Seojun did the unexpected and placed his hands right on top of mine so we both could control the horse's speed and direction.
I am trying to enjoy this experience but all I can think about is his hands on mine and his breath tickling my neck every few seconds. Not that I'm complaining though..
Once we made it from the road to the beach area, we were told that we could get off and hang out there for a while. Seojun got down first and held out his arms.
I grabbed on to his shoulders and he lowered me down to the ground.
Why does all this feel so romanticc, I can'tt

Ju came over to me with a big grin on her face. "You like the idea of getting only 2 horses?" She wiggled her eyebrows making me laugh out loud. "Very" I said nudging her.
When we all were talking and genuinely having a good time, Suho got a sudden phone call from his dad.
I couldn't hear what the person was saying but by the looks of Suho's expression, it was nothing good.
"My father is in America right now b-but he's in the hospital. They say he has a brain haemorrhage."
We all looked at Suho in worry, especially Jukyung. I wonder what kind of emotions is going through the both of them right now.
Worry, sadness, longing..

We all rode back in a hurry and got in the car as fast as we could.
If his dad is in America... then that means that Suho has to go pronto. But how long until he will he be able to return?..

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