The Truth Can Be Scary... Or Not

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"Stefan, please, I promise I won't tell?" He sighed and looked away. "Compulsion is where someone messes with your mind basically tells you what to do, makes you forget what happened"

"Well, how do you do it?! If I knew about that I would've been doing that a long time ago!" "Yeah, um, you can't" "Why not?" He looked down his fingers pinching his nose.

I touched his cheek- not thinking at all about my actions- he looked at me shocked. "Sorry"

"Damon and I can both do it, and the reason we can do it is..." "Stefan!" Damon yelled coming down the stairs.  "Can I talk to you in the other room please?" "I'll be right back, hopefully" I chuckled.

"Damon and I can both do it, and the reason we can do it is-" "Stefan!" Damon yelled. "Can I talk to you in the other room please?" "I'll be right back, hopefully" She chuckled as I walked into the kitchen with Damon. Elena kept Maya company while Damon and I talked.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You can not tell her that" "She knew something was up, Damon!" I whisper yelled. "You should've been more careful when you did the compulsion, what was I gonna tell her she suddenly got amnesia or she's going crazy?!" I whisper yelled again.

"Stefan, listen to me, she could tell everyone what we are" "She could also tell everyone about what you did because you weren't careful enough" "You think you can trust her?" "Yeah, I mean I know we just met her, but Elena talks highly of her" "Fine Stefan, tell her, but if our secret gets out, we know who it was, and it'll be your fault"

After he says that, he walks outside, slamming the front door shut. I sigh and walk into the living room. Elena had said something funny and they were both laughing, Maya's dimples on her cheeks show because her laughter.

"Um, Elena?" "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you?" "Yeah of course"

Stefan took Elena into the kitchen, so I was alone for what seemed like an eternity. I hate being alone, except when I'm asleep obviously and sometimes even then! Its just something that I've been dealing with since I was a kid and I've never gotten over it. Being with my boyfriend didn't help at all. If anything, it made it all worse! Now I'm triple scared of being alone.

"Maya?" "Yeah?" "I need to tell you something" "Ok" "But if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone" "Ok" "Maya its serious, him and Damon could be in danger if you say anything" "I promise not to say anything, you guys are starting to scare me a little what's going On?" "Maya... Damon and I are vampires" I was silent.

I just stared at Stefan in confusion, waiting for an explanation. "Its how Damon was able to compel you" "So you and your brother are... Vampires? Like actual, real life, alive, vampires?" "Well I mean we aren't alive" "Right, I forgot about that" "Your not scared?" Elena asked.

"No! That's freaking awesome!" Elena and Stefan chuckled. "How does it- why aren't you pale? Like the ones-" "In 'Twilight' yeah we're nothing like them except the fast running and blood" I smile and laugh out of amazement.

"Wait, if your a... Are you gonna kill me?" "No, don't worry about that, I live off animal blood, Damon drinks human blood" "Yeah so worry about me" My breathing increases and my heart starts to pound as he walks toward me.

"No, Damon's not gonna touch you" Elena said about her boyfriend. "I promise, Maya, Damon isn't gonna hurt you" He said, touching my hand. When he did, I relaxed, my heart beat going back to normal.

"Right Damon?" He was silent as he turned and smirked at me. "Right Damon" He sighed and said, "Alright, alright I won't"

Vampires... Awesome, but, scary as hell. Damon could come and kill me whenever he wanted! But hey I think I'm friends with vampires!

Stefan Salvatore & Maya Gilbert ~ The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now