Blondie Brought Elena

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About 5 minutes later, Caroline gets there with Elena and Bonnie. ~ "I thought you were bringing yourself" "I had to get them... Bonnie's her best friend too" "Well, her and Elena don't exactly have the best relationship you know" "Yeah, Damon, I know" "Then why is she here?!"

Stefan came down the hall, and said the baby was here. His eyes locked with Elena's and then with mine. I shrugged and looked at Caroline.

"Damon, Caroline, outside for a second" We went outside and he immediately said, "What the hell is Elena doing here?" "Ask Blondie! She's the one who brought her" "Caroline?" He asked, shocked.

"You seem shocked, brother" "Well, I am, Damon, Caroline's been with Maya through everything with Elena, I figured she understood" Tears start falling down Caroline's face as Stefan walks back in the hospital.

"Don't be upset, he's just on edge right now" "He's right though, I should've known better" "You were trying to help" "Dry those tears and let's go back in there, for Maya" "Yeah" She said, smiling.

"There's the Blondie everyone loves!" She laughed and rolled her eyes. We went back in and Jo came walking down the hallway at the same time. "Hey, Jo!" "Hey, guys" She smiled. "Um, can we see Maya?" "Yeah"

"Maya, you have two more visitors" She looked absolutely exhausted, and it was so adorable to see her holding her baby! "Hey, guys! Come on" She smiled. Caroline hugged her first and then I did.

"You look terrible!" I laugh. "Thanks, Damon, nice to see you too" We all laughed, and Caroline stepped up saying, "He means, you look absolutely gorgeous but really tired" "Exactly what I meant" I smirk.

"So, what's her name?" "Stefanie Marie Gilbert Salvatore" "Your naming her after Stefan?" I asked. "Yes, Damon, besides, it's a beautiful name" I chuckle.

"What?" "Nothing" I could feel her throwing daggers at me with her eyes.

~The next day~
Today, we get discharged and I can't wait to get out of here! I don't like hospitals, never have, never will. I've experienced to maybe things and they have all lead to going to the hospital. So, I don't wanna spend any longer in here than I have to.

When I walk down the hall and turn to leave, in the waiting area was Elena. "What is she doing here?" "Just keep walking" "Maya?" "Don't, just leave me alone" "Please, Maya" "Elena, please, leave me alone right now, I'm tired and emotional, just go away before I go off and say something I'll regret" I say. Her bottom lip starts trembling and tears start welling in her eyes.

She nods and walks away, giving me a look of disappointment. The disappointment face, something I have always regretted seeing. It's something Elena knows I've always feared.

When she walks out, the tears flow; she was disappointed in me. They all hug me, the one that made me cry the most... was Damon's. I'm not sure why his was the one that affected me the most, but it did.

It should've been Stefan's. Stefan was my boyfriend, his hug should matter the most. But, instead it was his brother? Oh my God... It's Elena all over again.

No, I won't put them through that; besides Damon doesn't even like me like that anyway. Stefan is my one and he always will be, then again, that is what Elena said.

UGH, I AM NOT ELENA! I'm letting her get in my head!

My sister and I are different, I'm not a backstabber like her. I would never leave one brother for the other. It's not me, and it never will be. Damon is my friend, and that's all he'll ever be.

Stefan Salvatore & Maya Gilbert ~ The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now