chapter 42

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*not edited *

Anju pov:-

Since two days I feel like I'm living in dream land , like a teenage girl who had fell in love for the first time. Arjun is totally another story, I have to facetime him every hour even if it's lasts for only few minutes , I have to text him for every fifteen minutes, sometimes he would aske me for a kiss and he will kiss me frequently when we face time .

Once he asked me to say "i love you " but I didn't respond to that ,Because I want to confess my feelings when he is infront of him so... Since that day he didn't ask me again.

Yesterday he said that, he will be coming back in two days. The work is almost done. So I'm planning to surprise him on his arrival day.

I searched on internet for some ideas, kira also suggested some things. I have considered few of them. just thinking about his expression when he faces my confession i feel excited.

Today I'm trying to bake new type of red velvet cake, I want to bake it on my confession day, even though I'm pretty good at cooking ,baking is not my department, I don't want to make any mistake .

Tomorrow, I have to buy some craft papers to make love cards, some helium balloons, I have to make an advance order for flowers , I'm planning decorate our room in red and white colour .

I have procure my and arjun pics , some are from our wedding, some are from my college event where arjun and I met and danced for the first time and few were edited pic, I'll tick them to the tail of the balloon. I have planned so many things . I need kunal and Kara's help, I called her over today.

Kunal went to pic up kaira, today I'm making cards. I heard some foot steps behind me. I turned my head and saw vishal walking in

" hey anju, where is kunal?. He is not picking up my call". He questioned me.

" he went out for something".

" but samarth called me over to office, I thought since kunal is here I'll inform him before going their ".

" since he is not here , I'll not go, I'll send someone else ". He said and turned to leave

"hey, vishal stop, why are not going ?, since samarth called you over , I think he have something important to talk to you."

I asked him, because I know samarth is arjun's confident and In-charge of his sea trade business.

"If I go their will no one in-charge for security here, so i'll send someone else it's ok". He said

"It's OK you go. Kunal might be driving, When I called Kunal , he said he will be here soon ". I Said to him. But vishal was still hesitating so I added again

"don't worry about me. Their are so many guards here to protect me and kunal will be here soon ".

After a moment he noded his head and went to backyard to give some orders to the guard.

I texted kira asking her where they are. She said she is at the ice-cream parlour and kunal was with her.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows and smile at her message. I don't who took initiative but ill be happy if they are together. I replied her to come soon.

I was waiting for my cake to bake. I got face time request from arjun.
A sweet smile plastered on my face.
I accepted, arjuns handsome face appeared on the phone screen.

" arjun ". I whispered

"angel " he called me looking aright at me.

"were you cooking something? ". He asked making me surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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