chapter 6

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Anjali pov:-

My head hurts, I feel like someone hammering coconut on my head. I tried open my eyes but I couldn't. I took deep breath and after few attempts I opened my eyes.

I couldn't remember anything. I tried to remember last event in my head.

Then I remembered everything. The only word left my mouth is.......

Nanna .(Dad )

O my god.  Dad, they took him. I have to go and search for my dad.

Then my eyes my landed on my wrist watch it shows 9.15 .my eyes widen, I have been unconscious for 6 hours.

I got off the bed, then I realised that Iam in unknown room now.

Where am I?.

I tried to open the door but it was closed.

Did they kindnaped me?

My eyes started tearing .

No no I can't get weak now, I have to be strong.

I took deep breath calming down.
Then I see balcony, first I have to get out of here then, I'll take police help.

When I peeped from the balcony, all I could see is plain green ground,a very large one like cricket field ,At some distance I see the gate.

This room might in second or first floor, the gate is like 500 meters away from the building . So I need at least half an hour to escape from here. I have to be careful.

I took off bedsheets and curtains, I tied them together making sure they are long enough for me to land safely on the ground . Once I tighten knots I throw it down to grounds.

I took deep breath and carefully climbed down with much difficulty, I reached ground. I checked surroundings for guards or something like that. once I realised no one is their, I sarted running and to my luck their were not many lights in the yard,it was little dark making easy for me not to be seen by someone.

After what felt like 20 minutes, I reached the main gate to my utter surprise their was no watchman  near the gate. Finally I was out .the first thing I have to do is.. to contact police about my dad.

God please make him be okay .

After running for 15 minutes from that building , I got taxi, my destination was commissioner office.

I can only trust murali uncle in this matter, he is assistant commissioner and very good friend of my dad.
I'll tell him whatever happened, he will definitely help me in finding my dad.

I reached commissioner office, I didn't had money to pay for taxi, so I took out my ring
" bhaiyya (bro)  I don't have my to pay, please take this as payment " I said stretching out my hand holding ring.
But the driver refuse take it.

"it's okay, you don't have to pay, the moment I saw you ,you were panting like hell, it's clear that you were in trouble, so you don't have to pay me " he said.

humanity still exist's in this world

But I insisted him to take my ring and he gave in. Then I went inside the office and just barged into murali uncles cabin.

He was shocked to see me, seeing him all my strength  break down and started crying for whatever happening in my life.

"Anju what are you doing here"? "How did you even came here?". He questioned getting up from his chair walking to me.

"Uncle... Dad, they....they... Took da... Dad. Kid...kindnaped me, I.... I....escaped from their... I... Don't ..
Know we're they took dad". I said him between my sobs.

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