chapter 32

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Anjali pov :-

After eating our ice-cream , we were walking back to the bike which arjun parked few meters away. The environment was quite, so I started the conversation .
"you drive pretty good ". I said not knowing what else to say.. Arjun turned to face me .
"I'm sure not good as you ". He said with a smile. But I frown at his response. Because he has never seen me drive,
"how do you know that? ". I questioned him . He turned to my side "well, my best men couldn't keep up with your speed, isn't it obvious ". He said. Then I realised, that car which used to follow me , they were his mens.
"you stalked me? ". I said in disbelief ,
" I didn't stalked you, I was just keeping an eye on you to make sure your safe ". He defended but I didn't budge.
"you can't invade my personal space like that. It's crime ". I said crossing my hands standing in front of him.

He sighed " angel don't spoil the night because of it, it's past now ". He said cupping my face but I was still angry on him. I jerked my face away.

"OK I'm sorry for whatever I have done on the past ". He said holding his ears. It's melted my heart but I didn't show it. Then a idea strike my mind.

"I'll only forgive you, if you let me drive your bike ". I said pointing at the bike .

"no angel, it's not safe. I'll let you drive someother time ,not now". He said.

"then forget about forgiveness ".i said turning to the opposite side. He sighed heavily again and said .
"OK you can drive ".
I squealed in joy and hugged him , Arjun was taken back by my action but hugged me back.

He gave me the Keys , I took them .
"so where you wanna go now?".I questioned him.

"where ever you take me ". He said.
I nodded. We got on the bike, I started the engine. Even thought it's been a while since I had drive a bike, I'm doing good till now . I was focused on the road when Arjun hugged me from behind . I stiffened, but didn't say anything. But then he slowly moved his hands and held my hips from both hands. I gulped, not knowing what he is doing.

Then he slowly lifted my T-shirt and touched my bare stomach. My breaths got un even.
"a..arjun, what are you doing? ". I questioned him. He placed his chin on my shoulder and whispered near my ear " I'm doing nothing angel ". His hot breath hitting my neck sent goosebumps through my body .

"you are distracting me, if you keep doing that we will both end up in hospital ". I said trying to control my breath. He just hummed but continued to draw patterns on my bare stomach. Then suddenly he kissed my neck which made me Hit the break and bike stopped with a jerk. Arjun pull away, I got down from the bike holding one handle.

"what were you doing?". I almost yelled at him.
"I was just holding you for my dear life, I was scared ". He said giving me the most innocent look. I shook my head.
"OK,now you drive". I said,
"but why? I was enjoying the ride in the back seat ". He winced but moved into front seat anyway. I got on the bike and hugged him for warmth. I didn't hesitate to hug him now. I feel like I won him. Fresh air hitting my face felt so good. I felt like an entity the bike halted. I opened my eyes to see that we are on the cliff. I pulled away and got down from the bike so did Arjun.

"why this place ". I questioned him looking at the city from the cliff.

"it's my  favourite place in the entire universe. Do You why? ". He asked me. I turned to face him and shook my head in no.
"it's place where I first saw you , it's place where you kissed me for the first time". He said as he stood right infront of me. I couldn't help but blush when he mention about the kiss. He pulled me into hug ,I hugged him back placing my head on his chest. We stayed like that for few minutes then pulled away.

"let's go home Arjun I said looking into his eyes ". He nodded and our journey started again. But he took me by surprise when he stopped the bike in front of my house(her dads house).

"why are we here Arjun ?". I questioned him.
"I'm not in a mood to drive all the way back to the city. So we are going to spend our night here . ". He said and I nodded. But when we went near the door, we realise that the door is locked.

"now what ?". I questioned him.
"no worries, I have already texted my men he will be here in an hour with the key ". He said. He might texted when I was sleeping I thought and nodded.

"then let's wait in the back yard ". I  said and started walking towards backyard. Today was full moon, so it was easy to see surroundings due to  light from the moon .

The back yard was filled with the dried leaves and branches. The swimming pool was filled with water , because of auto cleaning technology it was clean. The moon light was reflected by the water making it beautiful view.
I was admiring the beauty when a questioned poped in my mind, I didn't have him any gift for anniversary.
I sharply turned around which made arjun halt.

"arjun I didn't gifted you anything for our anniversary. Tell me what you want? ". I asked him but back in my mind I was nervous, because I don't have single penny in my bank account so there is no way I can give him what he wants.

"will you really give me what I want Anju? ". He asked in husky voice as he took a step forward .

"I... I'll try my best ".i stutter due to nervousness .

"I want you to dance for me ". I realised my breath when he said dance.

I smiled "gladly ". I said and took him to the chair in the backyard and made him sit on it. I stood few feets away from him. There was no music, only the craking of leaves and branches as I step on it and the cold breeze, the sound of water in the pool was the music. I danced with my best moves, I wanted to impress him with my dance. He was looking at me with a unknown expression. I swirl around around his chair. I danced for almost twenty minutes and ended my dance with a nice pose and looked at Arjun.
He suddenly stood up from the chair and strode towards me. He pulled me into a passionate kiss, like he is kissing my soul. I kissed him back.
I was out of breath but Arjun was in no mood to leave me. He pulled away as he sensed my discomfort.

He cupped my face with his both hands " It was so beautiful, I feel so lucky to have you. You know how hard it is for me to control from taking you right now ". He said and again kissed me.

"glad you like it ". I said as I hugged him and placed my hands on his hips. But Arjun jerked away. I watched with wide eyes.
"don't do that angel ". He said. But I touched it gain and got the same reaction. I couldn't help but giggle

"you are ticklish on the hips ". I Said and bursted into laughter.

"don't angel ".Arjun warned. But I couldn't stop my laughter, imagine a most feared mafia leader is highly ticklish. I laughed harder.

"I don't think it's  funny. " arjun said and now I can   sense anger in his voice. So I bite my lip to stop laughing.
"you found out about my sensitive spot, I don't like when someone knows my weakness.  let me find out yours so that we are even ". He said and took a step forward.

"for that, you have to catch me first ". I said started running. Arjun chased me.
"angel stop, you will hurt yourself ". Arjun was yelling at me from behind . But I didn't listen to him and continued to run.
I was running near the swimming pool when I sliped and .......


I fell into the swimming pool. I can hear arjun laughing, standing on the edges . It was the most beautiful laughter but he was laughing at me ,I glared at him, he stoped laughing and extended his hand for me. I mentally smirked. I took his hand but instead of getting out of the swimming pool I pulled him into the pool, Then I started laughing.

"you have become very naughty these days angel ". He said as he pulled me into him by my waist.

"you will surely get punishment for this little stunt ".he whispered near my ear in husky voice . I have a bad feeling about his punishment.

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