chapter 14

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Anjali pov :-

I had decided to check what's there.

Don't do it...what ever is their, It's non of your business

Well you guys know my subconscious is always against me. I'm gonna do it at any cost.

I took deep breath, got up from the bed walked towards the door, but it was opened by Arjun..
My eyes widen. Did he know I was going to east part of mansion?

Obviously no.. you idiot

Yeah, he can't read my mind. Thank god. He walked inside.
"are your legs still paining? ".he questioned me while placing his suitcase on the couch and loosening his tie. I shook my head in no.

"good" with that he walked into washroom to freshup. I left breath ,I didn't know that I was holding till now. I sat on the couch.
What would have happened if he came little bit later?

Simple he would have come to know that you were invading his secrets

Which might got him very very angry, I know it's wrong to invade someone's personal space but I want to know what's in there.

Why don't you just ask him?

My subconscious suggested.
But will he tell me?. What if I ask him and he wouldn't  answer me?.

But there is nothing wrong in trying right..?

For the first time I agree with my subconscious.
"angel I forgot to take my cloths,i don't even have towel here, can you give me a towel ?". Arjuns voice brought me back from my thoughts.

I went to take out cloths for him, all I could see were black and white suits, some grey T-shirts.

God!  Don't he know that ,there are other colours in the world. I took out grey T-shirt, night pants and a towel for him.
I knocked washroom door, he opened it a little I handed him his cloths.

But instead of taking the cloths, he held my hand and pulled me inside, pinning me on the wall,placing his hands on either side of me and closing the door with his leg. I gasp in surprise.

I immediately closed my eyes when I saw his bare chest and started struggling to get free from him. He brought his body extremely close to mine . I tried to create some space with my hands but withdraw them immediately  as they made contact with his chest.

"let me go". I Struggled
"open your eyes angel ". He said in husky voice, but I didn't. He brought his body even close to mine.
"open your eyes angel ". He said again. This time I did, as I don't wanted him any more close . I looked straight into his eyes not wanting to see his naked body.

His green eyes held so many emotions. I was lost in his eyes. He was caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"I like it, when you do these small things for me like a good wife ". He said with a grin .

Wait...  Did he just called me wife?..
I don't know why but my cheeks heat up at the word "wife "..

" and I love it , when you blush on my compliment".he kissed my cheeks and stepped back, removing his hands on either side . I just ran out of the washroom closing the door. I know he had towel around his waist.but still I'm not comfortable with him like that.

Actually you're not comfortable with him at all..

Yeah that's right and he said something about blush.I couldn't blush. At least not for him.

I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out so that I could ask him about east part. Soon he walked out, running his hand on his wet hair.

He looks so ho...

Shut up, I snapped  at my SC (subconscious )

"what are you thinking about angel? "
Arjun questioned.

How does he know that?

I have decided to give in and ask him.
"umm.. Well, why is.. East part of the mansion is prohibited? ". When  I mentioned east part his body stiffen,he closing his eyes he clenched his hands. He took deep breath after few minutes he opened his eyes look straight into me. His eyes were red as chilly.

"their is nothing that concern to you, you better stay away from that part ".
He said in clam yet dangerous voice, by his expression I know he is trying hard to control his emotions.

I didn't dare to utter a word so I just nodded. he went straightly went to his study room. He didn't even had his dinner.

I was thinking ,what might be there ,in that room which made him this mad?. Now my curiosity was on peaks.
Which made me forget the fear of him being angry on me .

I had given him chance to tell me but he didn't. so ,now I'll find out on my own.

Don't do it, he will not be pleased when he will find out. ..

Well, I'm not here to please him. He is the one who told me that I can do whatever I please in this house. So I'm gonna do whatever pleases me.

Don't involve me in this...

SC stated. Well I wasn't counting on it either . So it's decided I'll find out the mistery of east part of this mansion tomorrow.

With that thought I hugged my peekachu as I'm afraid of sleeping alone, I waited for him till midnight,its not like that I can't sleep without him, I just can't sleep alone.
But he never show up, I don't remember when I drifted into sleep waiting for him.

I woke up in the morning  and find other half of bed is empty and awfully cold. That means he didn't came to bed yesterday . I got freshup went downstairs , asked Lakshmi akka about kunal. She said he had some work so he went to office early today.

I hesitately asked about arjun. She said she hasn't seen him since she came this morning.

So that's means he is out too...

Now it's time for me to solve mistery.
I didn't had breakfast ,I told Lakshmi Akka not to distrub me.

I started walking towards east part . There was huge hall, It was dark as the long curtains prevent light from penetration. It's so quiet I could actually hear my heart beat. It seems like it hasn't been cleaned since ages as their is dust everywhere,

My gut feeling is telling me not go any further, but I ignored it. As I walked further ,this place is getting more scarier. This part so empty, there is no furniture or painting . I continued to walk in the hall way . There isn't anything not even a room.

Finally I was standing in front of the only room in east part.

Should I open it?,

or turn around and walk away ....

Well I choose option one. I stretched my hand out to unlock it.

"what the hell are you doing here Anjali? ".roared a voice which echoed in empty hall making flinch and jump at the same time.


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