chapter 21

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Arjun pov :-

I still can't believe what happened today. I thought Anju is trying to run away from me, so I didn't let her go out of my sight . But she completely surprised me by her behaviour.
She brought me cloths with bright colours. I was on cloud nine when she said she wants me to dress in those .

I looked at my Anju, who is sleeping With her head on my shoulder.
We reached home. I gently held her face and placed her head on the seat, I got out and walked over to her side .

I slowly scooped her in my arms not waking her up. She leaned on my shoulder clutching my shirt. I started walking inside after telling my driver to take shopping bags to our room.

I placed her on the bed and slowly freed my shirt from her grip. I removed her sandles and tugged her into sheets. I changed into my night wear.
I got into bed and pulled my angel closer, she snuggled into me.

Im still thinking it might be a dream. if it's a dream, then I don't want to wake up from the beautiful dream .
With that thought I drifted into sleep.

Morning I woke early . I took bath and changed into my office attair. Anju was still sleeping. I sat near her, looking at her beautiful face.
I started caressing her cheeks. She stirred a little then her eyes opened.

She smiled at me and greeted "good morning ",taking my breath away.
She never smiled at me before.
"indeed a good morning ". I said as I smiled back at her. But soon her smile was replaced by frown.

What happened??

Anjali pov :-

I frown at his dress. He was again wearing his grey armani suit.
I mentally facepalmed my self.
"where are the shopping bags ?"
I questioned him getting up from the bed. He pointed at the closet.
"wait here ". I said and went inside closet. I examine the bags and took out a royal blue shirt and blue jeans and walked back to him.

"wear this ". I said handing him.

"what?. Angel no. I can't wear that office to that's not my style ". He said shaking his head.

"please Arjun wear this for me ". I requested him.

"angel no. I'll wear it some other time. You have to understand that I'm a billionaire beside that I'm a mafia king. I can't wear this kind of clothes ". He said. I was hurt by his words .

I tried to be nice to him in return he is
Rude to. I throwed the cloths on bed and went inside bathroom.

When I came out he was gone. The cloths were still on the bed.

There is no use of being nice to him.

I thought and sat on bed. I was boared so I took phone which I didn't even touched once since he gifted me.
I unlocked it and loged in into my email account. There were 99+ unread mails. I looked at most recent one which was sent one week ago.

The mail was from my college. It was an invitation for college function. Where freshers would be welcomed and there will be a prize distribution for previous year toppers. I was the topper of the college. The function is today.

Someone cleared there throat behind me. I turned to Arjun standing in royal blue shirt and Blue Jeans.


is the only word poped in my mind to describe him.
"I thought you were gone ". I walking up to him.
"how can I ?,when my sweet little wife is angry on me. So I changed into something else than my usual. Are you happy now? ". He questioned.

I smiled at him.
"not so much, but I'm little happy. You are looking more handsome now ".
I said before I even realised those words left my mouth.

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