chapter 5

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"Anju your mom died because of me "his voice cracked at the end

If I say I was shocked,that will be an understatement, "what do you mean dad? "
He looked down and said.
"that day, when she went to pick your cake, she was kidnapped by my enemies, they called me and asked me to release a notorious killer in return of your mother,but I declined as it is against my proffesional ethics"
He pause and looked into my eyes. First time in my life,I see fear in his eyes. Fear of me hating him.

"they ki..killed her, they cu..t.. Cut her body into pieces and sent it to me "he finished, I cried out loud,for my mom.

Thats why dad locked himself, because he is guilty for whatever he did.

Suddenly he knelt down,"anju plz don't hate me, I kept you away because I was afraid that someone might harm you. just like your mother that's why I kept it secrect that I have a daughter ,Plzz Anju I want you safe, just two years, after that I'll resigne from my job and we will live peacefully "

He held my hands in his both hands "Plzz don't hate me because of your mothers death, I might die if you hate me ,you are my only family, you are the reason for my living Anju, plzz"
He said in broken voice.

"No dad, I would never hate you, what ever you did it was right, even  mom might have forgiven you". I said and hugged him. He resipocate my hug. I'm happy knowing the reason that he kept me away.

"You want me go to Hyderabad isn't it dad? I'll go, I'll leave day after tomorrow and I'll wait for you dad "
i said pulling away

My dad cupped my face with his both hands and kissed on my forehead, with full of love which he was hiding inside. It was the best day of my life because today I got my dad back .

We went to my room, I placed my head on my dads lap, he was caressing my head with so much of effection. Soon I drift into my life's best sleep.

I woke in morning ,I remembered everything happened at night a smile crept on my face. I took shower went downstairs to prepare breakfast, soon my dad came down and kissed me on my forehead .

"Today I'm taking a day off, as  you are leaving tomorrow I want to spend time with my daughter ".dad said taking seat  near near kitchen counter.

I was super happy, it's first time my dad spending time with me.
"But dad I have to collect some certificates in college today".I said in sad voice.

"Don't worry about it, we have whole day, you go complete your work, when you return we will spend time together, I have to stay away from my daughter for next two years so I want to spend quality time with you today ".he said smiling. I noded.

Soon I got ready said bye to my dad. I reached college. I collected all my certificates as soon as possible because I can't wait to spend time with my dad. I needed Dean's sign in some papers, who is currently in hospital checking patients. So I have to wait for him in the cabinet.

While I was waiting for dean I heard a women crying "Plzz save her sir, she is bleeding Plzz.. Sir "

"You have to pay admissions fees, for us to start treatment. If you don't have money you better take her out ". I  heard a man's voice may be hospital faculty.

Hearing this I couldn't control my anger how can someone be so cruel ,
"sir Plzz  ,don't say like that sir, I don't have money but if you treat her,.. I'll.. I'll sleep with you "
Their was silence for few moments.

"Hmm, it's won't be fun .you are alredy old, I'll treat her if I get to sleep with that gir... "
He couldn't complete his Sentance as I barged into the cabin and slapped hard. He was shocked to see me. I didn't even want yell at the disgusting person.

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