chapter 29

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Anjali pov :-

I don't know why but his past made me cry for him. I clutched his shirt and cried hard, my shoulder pain was long gone. He had his hands around my back holding me near him. We stayed like that in silence until Arjun decided to break it.

"I haven't said this to any one because, I hate people pitty me ".

"I don't pitty you Arjun ". I stated

" I know that, you are the only one person to  my past from me". He said cupping my face. 
I stared into his eyes, those green eyes which are efficient in hiding pain. I nodded and placed my head again on his chest inhaling his muscular scent.

"I haven't visited my mother since our marriage ,  I want to visit her now ". Arjun said to me .

I nodded " I want to come with you ".  I said still my head on his chest.

"you want to come with me? ". Arjun questioned me, I can sense doubt in his voice. So I pulled away from his embrace .

"of course , I want to visit my mother-in-law ". I said looking straight into his eyes. A smile broke on his lips and nodded.

We headed out with hand in hand. As we reached living room. Dhruv and kunal were discussing something but stopped immediately when they saw us. Kunal was shocked to see arjun but Dhruv gave me a smile which I returned. Arjun didn't stop to talk to them he just continued to walk.
As we reached out side I realised its already evening which means we spent whole day in that room. We got into the car and arjun was driving. There were no bodyguards.

The drive was silent. I didn't dare to talk as I don't even know what to say . So I kept quite as Arjun's eyes were  focused on road. It took almost two hours for us to reach grave yard . It was few minutes away from my dads house.

Arjun held my hand as we started walking inside the graveyard. It's too  quite except the rustling of dry leaves ,which makes it scarier. And it's almost eight at night which is not helping me. But I focused my mind on Arjun, ignoring the surrounding holding his hand tightly. Of course I don't want get lost in the graveyard and become dinner for wandering spirit's .

We walked further and further until Arjun stopped in front of a grave which has name scribbled on it as

                 "Shanthi Oberoi "

Arjun knelt down near the grave and I beside him. He ran his hand on name feeling it.

"hi mom, I'm sorry ,I didn't visited you in a while." he said like she is standing infront of him . My heart pained seeing him as I could see his unshed tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away before they can spill.

" I want to introduce someone very special ". He said and turned
to wards me. He held my hand ,pulling me little further.
"Anjali my wife and your daughter-in-law . She is just like you mom, kind,caring and innocent . She is my everything and I love her mom ". He said introducing me to his mom.
I didn't know what to say so I remained silent. My heart melted at his choice of words.

"I wish you were here. You would have been very happy to meet her. She is doctor just like dad" . He said tightening his grip on my hand.

"I'm sure she will be seeing us from heaven Arjun. She will be proud seeing your success". I said trying to comfort him.

"I'm sure she is". Was his only reply. He kept staring at the name for few moments then he stood up.

"let's go". He said holding out his hand for me which gladly accepted and stood up .He glanced at the grave one more time.

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