chapter 7

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Anjali pov :-

I stood their frozen. He came inside placed tray on near by table, then he turned to me .
"where were you going? ".he questioned me, his voice was dangerously clam which is scaring me to death.
"answer my question angel, where were you going?, are you trying to run away from me? Again? ".he asked stepping close to me.

Think Anju think... Think of some excuse.. Or else you are dead

Think fast you idiot....

Then a idea strike my mind, after againing some confidence,i said in low voice. " said to fresh up,but their is no tooth brush in their so I thought to ask someone ".

He was looking me like analysing some thing .
"their is one in the drawer near mirror ".
He said eyeing me.

"Ho, I didn't look their, I'll get fresh now". I said turning.but their are two doors, one at left side other at right.

Which one is washroom?

If I turn to wrong door, he will come to know that I was lying about tooth brush.

What should I do now?...

"do you want something else?". I turned to him. If I make him go out of the room then, I can see which one is washroom.


"umm.. Yes. I.... Ha, I want some cloths.. Can you arrange them?.. Please ".
"why not, I'm happy that your making yourself comfortable now. Give me 1 minute".he said and walked towards right side door.

I left a sigh relief. I can't just runaway, I have to make perfect plan, first I have to gain his trust. When he let his guards down I'll runway.

Yes I have to gain his trust

Soon he came back with The right one closest that means the left one is washroom. Good Anju your genius ..

"here wear these today, I want to see you in these ".he said handing me. I frown and asked him.
"why do you have girls cloths with you? ".
He smiled at my question and said. "the moment I saw you in the auction. I decided that no matter what happens, I'll make you mine forever, when you come into my life I wanted to give you everything. So I brought all ladies cloths, cosmetics, sandals,matching jewelry, everything including sanitary pads,if you still want something we will go for shopping twomarow ".

I was speechless . he actually did all this for me. I didn't say anything just went to bathroom, took a long shower relaxing my self. After I was done with shower I took cloths to wear. He had given me white shirt and blue jeans.

When I came out he was sitting on the couch., he looked at me from head to toe for few seconds then signaled me to come near him. I walked to him and took seat on the corner of the couch keeping maximum distance between us.
"come let's have breakfast ".he said and removed cover from food .
When I saw what he had brought ,.
I looked at him giving are-you-serious look.he gave me questioning look .

"you brought pizza for breakfast?".it came out as question rather than statement.
"yeah, girls like pizza, I thought you would also like it ".
"I don't eat pizza in breakfast, I don't even eat out side food". I said in stern voice.
He looked me with amusement ." OK, I'll call maid to -"but I cut him off.
"no, I mean no need to distrud them, I can cook. "I said. "only if you don't mind? ". I added later.

"you cook? ".he questioned me
"yes "
"OK you can cook, I would love to taste the food made by you ,come I'll show the kitchen ".he said getting up from couch. I noded and followed him

His kitchen was really huge, like the one in five star hotel.
I started cooking, beside dance, cooking is my favourite. I forget all my worries while cooking. When Iam stressed out either I cook or I dance.

I was humming a song, swaying my hips, when a hand sneaked around my waist and I felt a worm breath near my ear.
" what are you cooking ".i was startled and pushed him away. He was looking hurt but covered it soon.
"poha, actually it's ready". I said and took plates, severed him and my self.

I was waiting for his reaction, when he took a bite and closed his eyes I was looking at him with curious.
He opened his eyes ."angel this is the best poha I have ever tasted,its so tasty. I love it, you really have magic in your hands ",he said and continued to eat, I smiled at his compliment but soon it faded as I realised what I am doing.

I was smiling at the person, who is the reason behind all my problems.

Ho god I'm ashamed of myself. How can I do this. My dad is waiting from to find him.

I have to get out of here.

Come on anju you can do it. "umm... I don't have cold weather cloths,and also I have to buy some personal things, can you take me to shopping?," I said with genuine voice hoping he would believe me.

"umm, OK. Even I was thinking the same. We will leave in 5 minutes ". He said still eating.

Well that was easy .....

We reached mall, I brought few dresses of my taste, he brought almost hole shop for me,all this while he held my hand and didn't let me leave his sight.
when I went to pay bill I realised I don't have my credit card .
I turned to arjun."I don't have my credit card ".i said pouting.
"you dont need your credit, when you're shopping with me ".he said handing his credit card .
"OK, I'll pay you back later when I get my credit card". I said.
"angel you don't have to pay me, what ever mine is yours " he said.

We were done with dress shopping.
"umm... I need to buy some personal stuff in ladies shop ".i said to him.
He nodded and took me near ladies shop.

he handed me his credit card and said "buy whatever you want, I'll be waiting for you right here OK?".he said . I noded and turned to leave.
But he yanked me back and hugged me caressing my hair. But I pushed him away, went inside the shop.

As soon as I was out of his sight, I  called a girl from the shop,
"excuse me, do you have any other exit door ?. " I asked her.

" yes man, we have one fire exit which leads to mall parking mam". she said.
"can I please show me, I'am in trouble please ". I pleaded her. She looked at me with curious eyes then nodded.
She led the way ,I reached parking, I thanked her, before she could go, I said.
"please do me one more favour, few minutes later a man named arjun will come searching for me, just give him this ".
i said handing her arjuns credit . I ran out of the mall.

I have to be hurry before he comes to know about my escape

I got into cab, I told him my Adress.
I know my dads house quite far, I need at least one hour to reach their.
I was praying to god that arjun should not find me.

After an hour, I reached my home. I told cab driver to wait. I went inside took my luggage, passport which where ready as I was suppose to fly to Hyderabad today. But now Iam going America, to took my phone and purse from my car, where I last used it.

I texted kaira to send her Adress, she asked me so many questions but I didn't had time to tell her. So I said I'll tell everything once I reach their.
She texted me her adress.

I was heading to airport now ,which was quite near to my house.

I reached airport .To my luck their was a flight to US in half an hour. I got tickets and was waiting for my flight.

I was so tired, I didn't slept a wink last night. I was feeling very sleepy. I don't don't know when I drift into deep sleep .

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