chapter 30

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Anjali pov :-

I kissed him back .oh God!

We were still panting hard.  I lowered my gaze to avoid his eyes.
I can't look into his eyes now. He tucked my loose hair strains behind my ear and was about to say something but as if  planned my stomach growled loudly making remember that ,I haven't eaten anything since last night.

"we should get back to home. your stomach need to filled ". He said chuckling. I just nodded not finding my voice . We drove back to home. In the whole ride I kept my gaze on my toes.

Why the hell did I kiss him back?

I was questioning myself  in mind.
May be it's because of his past or it may be  because of  heat of that moment. There were many maybe's in my mind but nothing satisfied me. Except one, May be I like him . Yeah may be I started to like him. It's not my fault, Why would any girl not like him?. May be I should give him a chance.

My chain of thoughts were broken when the car halted near the entrance of our home. Without thinking another second I got down and straightly went inside , more like ran inside the house just to avoid arjun. I went inside our room ,after freshening ,I changed into a long sundress as I wasn't feeling comfortable in the Saree. I went down stairs and met kaira whom I didn't notice while coming . She said she took admission in the medical college to continue her degree. I was very happy for her. She then handed me my debit and credit cards which I left in her home when I eloped to New York.

At dinning table , I completely avoided Arjun. I sat beside kaira as kunal and dhruv sat across us. I can feel arjuns gaze drilling holes into my skull but I refused to look at him. After that kiss I'm hell nervous to face him, so I'm just gonna avoid him as much as possible.

We were eating in silence and out of blue kunal said

"Anju you are looking smoking hot in that sundress.
Damn, I regret not going to that ocution every second of my life ".
I gave him confused look. Seeing my expression he continued
" I'm the one who attends all business related events, so I'm the one supposed  to attend that event in your college. But I was out of town that day so arjun attended that event and he got you. But in real You were supposed to be mine". He pouted at the end.

"but tough luck, she is mine now ".arjun growled at kunal, which he ignored.

"actually I'm was the one participated in auction that day not Anju. But my mom got sick and I had to go to the hospital so Anju took my place in the auction. I think it's destiny which brought them together ". Kaira said looking at kunal to which kunal noded.

After dinner ,Arjun went to his study room , Dhruv took leave. Kunal went to drop kaira off. I wasn't ready to face Arjun yet so I was sitting on the grass in backyard thinking about kairas words.

"destiny brought them together "

We both belong to different worlds yet we are together. May be we were really destined together.

"why do I always found you here? ". I was startled by the voice, but soon realised it was kunal as he came and sat beside me.

"because it's my favorite place in the whole mansion and you better start making some sounds while coming if you don't want me to get heart attack". I said smacking his forearm playfully. To which he acted like he got hurt.

Kunal sat there silently looking at moon which is unlike him.
"what's bothering you, wanna share with me? ". I asked him.

He took deep breath
"Sadie called me today and confronted me about not talking to her, we got into an argument and I don't know how but I ended up telling her about my feelings ".

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