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Back downstairs, I grab a drink.

Emery is dancing, and some girl I don't know looks like she's one bad decision away from grinding her ass back directly against his crotch. If that's the case, then she's gonna have a problem, because he's mine.

When she reaches back to touch Emery I shout, "what're you doing?" over the music. I come over and loop my arm around his shoulders. "He's with me."

"Oh... Um... Okay..." She stumbles away.

"Brandon..." Em giggles and leans into me. Grinning, I kiss his neck in that way I know tickles him to death. "Stooop..."

I slap his ass and bend him over the couch, making the nearby guys huff with disbelief and turn to gawk at me.

"Whaaaat, dude, that was aggressive," Cole laughs.

I leave Emery and make my way around the room checking people out. After about ten minutes of drinking and dancing, I spot Griffin across the room and take a deep breath before going over.

"I've noticed you checking me out," I introduce myself, sidling up to him with liquid courage.

"I was only returning your stares. Why do you keep looking my way?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Because I wanna jump you.

"Sorry. I don't date jocks."

I bristle at that, nodding grimly.

"Maybe you should get to know people before stereotyping them." I walk away, unfortunately only feeling more attracted to him for how hard he is to get.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now