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Our man cave is every guy's dream: spacious with rustic colours and posters of cars and musicians everywhere, video games, the latest consoles, a massive TV and great sound system - all the essentials.

"I found us a great jogging trail," I converse as I push the cart down a frozen food aisle in Costco.

"In that forest?" Emery queries.

"Yeah, it looks absolutely stunning."

"Nice!" He pulls out a bag of frozen veggies and some chicken wings. "By the way, your mom called while you were out." I was scoping out the social life, in order to get us into the best parties.

"What'd she want?"

"She said to make sure you don't get anyone pregnant."

"Getting a bitch pregnant is the stuff of my nightmares," I shudder. "I could never be drunk enough to make that mistake."

"I told her that was a responsibility you knew you couldn't take on right now. What with college, and then med school and being a doctor."

"Plus, I don't want some slutty bimbo to be the mother of my child."

Emery pulls a face.

"I think that says a lot about your taste."

Emery puts classical music on on the drive back.

He has to take a leak so I unload the groceries. I watch him through the open bathroom door as I work. When he feels my eyes on him, he flashes me the middle finger but doesn't close the door.

"Who're you texting?" I ask him later.

"Aly." The basic bitch is still in Em's life but she's studying finance or some such shit at a college nearby.

"You're not sending her dick pics, are you," I quip flippantly, even though I know him too well to believe it for a second.

"Purity ring, moron."

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