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Griffin's girlfriend is a most vivacious little thing. She talks loudly, at a million miles a minute. A couple times when she's rambling, Griffin and I smile discreetly at each other across the dinner table. It's a restaurant double date, but the way Griffin and I are carrying on stealing glances at each other, it's like we're the only two people at the table. And the oblivious women beside us chatter on.

My date, Tiff, glimpses my lock-screen.

"Is that your best friend you were mentioning?"

"That's him. Emery." It's a picture of me kissing his forehead.

"He's handsome."

"He was always beautiful," I nod, "since he was a little boy."

I'm a little lost without him. Too much sex and drinking and partying, and not enough taking responsibility.

Griffin isn't coming home with me tonight, and that's a little hard for me to deal with. I bring Tiff home with me after dinner and we start doing it rough on the couch.

"Take it easy," she complains. "You're hurting me."

"Oh, sorry..."

I sigh, zip up my fly and send her packing. No hard feelings; I'm just not in the mood tonight. At this rate, I'll have tired myself out of sex within a year, I fear. Maybe Emery's right. Maybe I do need to slow down. Who am I kidding, I know he's right.

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