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I'm feeling horny so I bring Maya, one of the girls from the party, home again. I flip her over on her stomach and do her doggie style, one hand on her shoulder, the other digging into her hip. Then both hands on her ankles for leverage. I send her packing before Emery can come home and complain.

Later, Aly calls when I'm reading my chem textbook in bed and asks me where Emery is.

"I'm not with Emery!" I grouse, annoyed. "Stop fucking bothering me!"

"You're always with him! Tell him to call me back."

"Whatever." Annoying bitch.

Hanging up, I roll over to face Emery on the bed. "Why aren't you picking up?"

Emery confesses that he and Aly are taking a bit of a break from...whatever they had. He feels suffocated by her. She's just really clingy. Plus, we don't get along and it's really important to him that I get along with his girlfriend.

When he starts yawning, I put the textbooks away and switch off the lamp. I spoon him and kiss his hair like we've done since we were kids. He doesn't need her anyway.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now