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I smirk at Emery over a blonde's shoulder. Realizing he's been summoned, Emery approaches her brunette friend. We find ourselves each kissing a girl, one hand on each other's back and the other on the girl. When the song changes, I turn and sidle up to him, hedging him in. We dance and make out while the girls laugh and cheer and egg us on.

Later, Emery says he needs a drink and takes off. I get a bathroom BJ from not one, not two, but three girls simultaneously. Drop-dead gorgeous and irresistible as I am, it's no surprise.

My phone buzzes later in the evening. It's the picture of Emery and I from earlier. I'm smirking at the camera and he's looking at me. I like how you can see our friendship bracelets. I post it on Instagram with the caption: Many hoes. One love.

Emery approaches me drunk and on the verge of passing out. The girls follow me outside where I help him puke and wipe his face.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"Don't apologize. I should've been looking out for you."

"Aww..." I just got brownie points with the girls for being concerned and doting. "Look how cute..."

"Watch me score," I murmur in Emery's ear. I turn to the girls smiling at us. "Hey. My place?"

"Fuck yeah."

I drive us home with Emery in the passenger seat, still a little drunk, the girls laughing, hollering and stroking my shoulders from the backseat.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now