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We're pre-med students now. And we're going to be living together. Every night, I would text Emery goodnight and I love you; now we can go to bed under the same roof.

As soon as we walk into the new little house we're renting, Emery puts on classical music and whirls around the empty space with his arms outspread.

"It's gorgeous," he enthuses.

"Yeah, it is." My parents really helped us out. We snagged a two-bedroom townhouse with one bathroom, one kitchen, and one sweet den. It's top-notch, as far as student housing goes, and within walking distance of campus.

I come up next to him and loop my arm around his waist in a hug. We look around for a moment before I step away and rub my hands together. "I'm hungry."

"Me too. What should we do for dinner?"

"Well, I wasn't gonna ask, but..."

"Okay, I'll cook."

"Great. You can be the wife," I beam.

"Why do I have to be the wife?"

"Wanna compare muscles? Dick size? Voice timbre? Hair length? Eyelash length? Body build? Shoe size? Facial hair? Anything-?"

"Okay, okay!" Emery scowls. "I'm gonna cook and it's gonna be awesome and you're gonna love it."

"You'll be the best damn wife there ever was," I laugh.

"Damn right."

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now